Battery Status Overview

This document describes how an application should handle a request for the battery status received from the Remote Control interface.


This library is used to handle requests for the battery status and to return the current value.

Battery Status Library Details

The DLL that provides the functionality and the library to which your code must link is identified below.

DLL LIB Short Description



Used to return battery status information to a remote controller.


An application that wants to support Battery Status commands must provide implementations of the commands in the CRemConBatteryApiTarget class.


This library is used to allow the target application to monitor for and respond to battery status requests from the remote controller.

Key classes

The key classes that are required to support Battery Status are as follows:

Using Battery Status

Objects of this library may be used to:

  • Define which requests the application is able to handle

  • Configure the responses

  • Send the responses back to the remote controller device.

Related information