HelloWorldBasic Files

This section lists all the files in the HelloWorldBasic project and provides a brief description of their purposes.

The following tables describe the HelloWorldBasic project files which you imported in the Importing HelloWorldBasic to Carbide.c++ section. In the example
  • <Project Folder> is C:\Nokia\devices\Nokia_Symbian3_SDK_v0.8\examples\symbian\gui\helloworldbasic

  • <SDK Folder> is Nokia_Symbian3_SDK_v0.8

For general information on the files involved in an application's development and deployment, see Development and Deployment Steps.

To see the contents of the HelloWorldBasic files described below, double-click the file in question in the Project Explorer view as in the figure below (bld.inf as an example).

Figure: bld.inf file in the Project Explorer view

HelloWorldBasic build configuration, source and package files

Build configuration files specify how the source files are compiled to output files in the build process.

Table: HelloWorldBasic build configuration files.
Filename Description Default location
bld.inf Master project file. Specifies .mmp and .mk files. <Project Folder>\group
helloworldbasic.mmp Project definition file. Specifies .cpp, .rss and _reg.rss source files to be compiled. <Project Folder>\group
Icons_scalable_dc.mk Additional make file. Specifies .svg source files to be compiled. <Project Folder>\group

For more information, see Build Configuration Files.

Source files are compiled to output files in the build process. Source files divided into the following groups:

  • Source code files

  • Resource files

  • Graphics files

  • Registration files

Table: HelloWorldBasic source files.
Filename Description Default location
helloworldbasic.cpp C++ source code <Project Folder>\src
helloworldbasicapplication.cpp C++ source code <Project Folder>\src
helloworldbasicappui.cpp C++ source code <Project Folder>\src
helloworldbasicappview.cpp C++ source code <Project Folder>\src
helloworldbasicdocument.cpp C++ source code <Project Folder>\src
helloworldbasicquerydialog.cpp C++ source code <Project Folder>\src
helloworldbasic.pan Panic codes <Project Folder>\inc
helloworldbasicapplication.h Header <Project Folder>\inc
helloworldbasicappui.h Header <Project Folder>\inc
helloworldbasicappview.h Header <Project Folder>\inc
helloworldbasicdocument.h Header <Project Folder>\inc
helloworldbasicquerydialog.h Header <Project Folder>\inc
helloworldbasic.rls Resource Localisation Source file for UI text strings <Project Folder>\data
helloworldbasic_01.rls Resource Localisation Source file containing the UI texts in UK English <Project Folder>\data
helloworldbasic_09.rls Resource Localisation Source file containing the UI texts in Finnish <Project Folder>\data
helloworldbasic_31.rls Resource Localisation Source file containing the UI texts in Simplified Chinese <Project Folder>\data
helloworldbasic_32.rls Resource Localisation Source file containing the UI texts in Japanese <Project Folder>\data
helloworldbasic.rss Resource file used as a source for the application's GUI elements <Project Folder>\data
HelloWorldBasic_reg.rss Resource file used as a source for the application's registration file <Project Folder>\data
helloworldbasic.hrh Resource header file used to define flag values <Project Folder>\inc
qgn_menu_helloworldbasic.svg SVG (tiny) graphics file <Project Folder>\gfx
backup_registration.xml Backup registration file <Project Folder>\sis

For more information on

Package files specify how output files (see below) are used to create an installation file.

Table: HelloWorldBasic package files.
Filename Description Default location
helloworldbasic_gcce.pkg Package file <Project Folder>\sis
helloworldbasic_armv5.pkg Package file <Project Folder>\sis

For more information on

HelloWorldBasic output files

Output files are created from the source files in the build process according to the specifications of the build configuration files.

In the following table,

  • <Build platform> is WINSCW for the emulator or GCCE for a target device.

  • <Build type> is udeb for a debug build and urel for a release build.

Table: Descriptions of output files.
Filename Description Default location
.exe Executable file.

C:\Nokia\devices\<SDK Folder>\epoc32\release\<Build platform>\<Build type>

.rsc Compiled resource file.
  • Target build is C:\Nokia\devices\<SDK Folder>\epoc32\data\z\resource\apps

  • Emulator build is C:\Nokia\devices\<SDK Folder>\epoc32\release\WINSCW\<Build type>\z\resource\apps

.mif Machine-readable files with all the SVG (tiny) icons packed into them.
  • Target build is C:\Nokia\devices\<SDK Folder>\epoc32\data\z\resource\apps

  • Emulator build is C:\Nokia\devices\<SDK Folder>\epoc32\release\WINSCW\<Build type>

_reg.rsc Compiled registration file.
  • Target build is C:\Nokia\devices\<SDK Folder>\epoc32\data\z\resource\apps

  • Emulator build is C:\Nokia\devices\<SDK Folder>\epoc32\release\WINSCW\<Build type>\z\private\10003a3f\import\apps

For more general information, see Output Files.

HelloWorldBasic installation file

The Installation file is created in the packaging process and it's used for installing the application onto the phone.

Table: Description of the HelloWorldBasic installation file.
Filename Description Default location
.sis Unsigned installation file which must be signed before installing it into the phone. <Project Folder>\sis
.sisx Signed installation file for installing the application into the phone. <Project Folder>\sis