
This topic describes how to troubleshoot issues that you may face while writing or building Std C++ code on the Symbian platform.

Errors while building Std C++ Code


You may get a build error when you create a static library as illustrated in the following code and link it with an STDEXE.

The .mmp file of the static library:

Target             operator_new_failure_example_lib.lib
Targettype        lib
Source            op_new_in_lib.cpp
Systeminclude        /epoc32/include/stdapis/stlportv5
Systeminclude        /epoc32/include/stdapis

The .cpp file of operator new reference in the static library example:

// op_new_in_lib.cpp contents
#include <new>
int doSomething()
        int *ptr = new int(0); // This refers the StdC++ operator new
        //do something more…
        catch (std::bad_alloc)
        return 1;
    delete ptr;
    return 0;

The .mmp file of the STDEXE that links with the static library:

Target             operator_new_failure_example.exe
Targettype        stdexe
Source            op_new_in_stdexe.cpp
Systeminclude        /epoc32/include/stdapis/stlportv5
Systeminclude        /epoc32/include/stdapis
Library            libstdcppv5.lib libc.lib
Staticlibrary        operator_new_failure_example_lib.lib
Capability        all -tcb

The .cpp file of operator new reference in static library example:

// op_new_in_stdexe.cpp contents looks as follows:
int main()
    // the doSomething function is defined in the static library operator_new_failure_example_lib.lib that this exe is linking against.
    return doSomething();


The build error is caused because this code violates rule 5 under the Guidelines for Writing Standard C++ Libraries section. As per the rule, a static library of target type LIB cannot be linked against an STDEXE or STDDLL, unless it has the MMP keyword, STDCPP in its .mmp file.

You can fix the build error by adding STDCPP in the operator_new_failure_example_lib.mmp file as shown in the following code:

Target             operator_new_failure_example_lib.lib
Targettype        lib
//The STDCPP keyword specifies Standard C++ 
Source            op_new_in_lib.cpp
Systeminclude        /epoc32/include/stdapis/stlportv5
Systeminclude        /epoc32/include/stdapis

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