How to Start the DNS Proxy Server

Describes how to start the DNS Proxy server.


The DNS Proxy server starts up and shuts down with the DHCP server. If an IAP is configured to start the DHCP server, it starts the DHCP server which in turn starts the DNS Proxy server.

Note: The DHCP server and DNS Proxy server cannot be started on multiple interfaces and there is no independent configuration for the DNS Proxy server in the CommsDB file.

The high level steps to start the DNS Proxy server are shown here:


  1. DHCP server starts the DNS Proxy server on DHCP server startup. DHCP server starts when the interface configured to start DHCP server in CommsDB is started by some application.
  2. DNS Proxy server on start up reads the initialization information from resolver.ini file. Note: The DNS Proxy server initialization settings are stored in the resolver.ini file.
  3. DNS Proxy server gets the connection information from the DHCP server on startup. Note: The resolver.ini file provides the downlink connection information on which the DNS Proxy server starts receiving DNS requests.
  4. DNS Proxy server opens an explicit socket on the connection and starts receiving DNS requests from the standard DNS port 53.
  5. DHCP server reads and obtains the hostname and suffix information from CommsDB and updates the DNS Proxy server with the required information.
  6. DHCP server updates the DNS Proxy server database for each incoming host.


DNS Proxy server is active and is ready to resolve local names and standard internet domain names.

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