If you need to disable tactile feedback for any reason (and then possibly re-enable it later), use the function SetFeedbackEnabledForThisApp.
You can also use an overloaded version of the function for disabling only audio or vibration based feedback.
Feedback may need to be disabled for example during video recording in camera applications, because otherwise device vibration sounds may be recorded along the video clip.
Note: You can and are recommended to use the API normally for area registry updates even when feedback is disabled. This way feedback can be turned on successfully even if there was a layout or view change while feedback was disabled.
The only exceptions to this are those applications which will never enable the feedback again (for example, in some games you might do this if you don’t want feedback, or use the device vibration for effects in your game).
Any application can only disable the feedback for itself, which means this API provides no means for globally disabling feedback.
The user can still disable all the feedback by changing device feedback settings. Moreover, feedback can be globally disabled by the feedback system for e.g. during ongoing telephone calls (this depends on the device configuration).
Use the function EnableFeedbackForControl to disable and enable feedback for a control.
You can also use an overloaded version of this function to disable or enable only audio or vibration based feedback.