In ScreenPlay, the Window Server provides advanced pointer
features, such as support for multiple pointers and proximity and
pressure coordinates.
Variant: ScreenPlay. Target audience: Application developers.
- Advanced Pointer Overview
This is an overview of the Window Server extensions that
support the use of advanced pointers. These extensions enable mobile
devices to respond to events from multiple pointers, including their
proximity and pressure. These extensions are available only in ScreenPlay.
- Advanced
Pointer States and Event Communication
The Window Server provides advanced pointer features, such as support
for multiple pointers and proximity and pressure coordinates. This topic provides
a summary of advanced pointer states and the events that communicate changes
of their state.
- Advanced Pointer Tutorial
This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions and sample
code to help you write applications using advanced pointers.
- Support for Multiple Pointers in the Emulator
This section introduces support for multiple pointers in
the emulator which uses multiple mice to simulate human fingers. The
multiple pointer environment in the emulator allows application developers
to test multiple pointer UI features when hardware devices
are not available.
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