
Depending on whether you build your Symbian application for the emulator or for a real phone you have to choose an appropriate build configuration. Each configuration uses a different compiler. The build configurations are the following:

  • GCCE

    • For phone builds

    • Uses a free GNU C Compiler (GCC) that builds binaries according to the ARM Embedded Application Binary Interface (ARM EABI)

    • Delivered with the Nokia Symbian^3 SDK

  • ARMV5

    • For phone builds

    • A commercial product that you can purchase as part of the RealView Developer Suite from ARM to improve performance

    • Not distributed as part of the Nokia Symbian^3 SDK

The following figure illustrates choosing an appropriate build configuration:

Figure: Selecting an appropriate build configuration

For information on how to use the build configurations to create emulator and phone builds, see Building.