The SignSIS tool digitally signs Software Installation (SIS) files using a certificate and private key.


signsis [OPTIONS] <ARGS>

The following table lists the options supported by the SignSIS tool.

Options Description Usage


Displays help message.

signsis [-? | -h]


Signs using a DSA algorithm

signsis [-cd] [-s] input [output [certificate key [passphrase] ] ]


Signs using the RSA algorithm

signsis [-cr] [-s] input [output [certificate key [passphrase] ] ]


Displays the Open SSL licence.

signsis [-i]


Extracts the signing information from a SIS file.

signsis [-o] input


Extracts the certificates from the SIS file. This option must be specified along with -o option.

signsis [-o[-p]] input


Signs SIS file (requires SIS file, certificate, key and passphrase)

signsis [-s] input [output [certificate key [passphrase] ] ]


Removes most recent signature from SIS file.

signsis [-u] input [output [certificate key [passphrase] ] ]


Displays verbose output.

signsis [-v]

The following table lists the arguments to be specified with the SignSIS tool.

Arguments Description


Specifies the SIS file to be signed, unsigned or investigated.


Specifies the SIS file generated by signing or unsigning.


Specifies the certificate file used for signing.


Specifies private key file of the certificate.


Specifies passphrase of the private key file.

Note: Before digitally signing a SIS file,

SignSIS prompts for a password to access the private key file if required.

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