Configuring Log Engine

This tutorial describes how to configure Log Engine using TLogConfig class.


There are three parameters which you can configure at run time using a Log Engine client. They are implemented as the three members of a TLogConfig class:

  • iMaxLogSize, the maximum size of an event log,

  • iMaxRecentLogSize, the maximum size of a recent list, and

  • iMaxEventAge, the maximum age of a logged event.

To configure the Log Engine, do the following:


  1. create a TLogConfig object

  2. set the required values to the members iMaxLogSize, iMaxRecentLogSize and iMaxEventAge
  3. pass it to the ChangeConfig() function of a log client.


The Log Engine will be configured with new values.

Next actions

The TLogConfig class also has the two functions InternalizeL() and ExternalizeL() which implement streaming input and output of a TLogConfig object.

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