Retrieving and modifying attachments to messages

The messaging framework allows you to retrieve and modify attachments to messages.


Attachments may be retrieved and modified after they have been added to a message.


  1. Get the details of the message to which you want to add an attachment using CMsvEntry::EditStoreL().

    This function returns CMsvStore in writable mode.
  2. Get an MMsvAttachmentManager attachment manager for the message entry, using CMsvStore::AttachmentManagerL().

  3. Find how many attachments a message entry has using the MMsvAttachmentManager::AttachmentCount() function.
  4. Get attachment attributes using the appropriate CMsvAttachment functions. .
  5. Get attachment information using the MMsvAttachmentManager::GetattachmentL() function.

Retrieval and modification example

The following code uses the MMsvAttachmentManager::AttachmentCount() and GetattachmentL() functions to get attachment information. It then calls the various CMsvAttachment accessor functions to get the attachment attributes, and to access the attachment file itself:

void CFoo::GetAttachmentInfoL(MMsvAttachmentManager& attManager)
    // get number of attachments
    TInt numAttach = attManager.AttachmentCount();
    if ( numAttach == 0 ) 
       { // no attachments

    // Get attachment attributes for the first attachment (index 0)
    CMsvAttachment* attachInfo = attManager.GetAttachmentInfoL(0);

    // Ownership of attachInfo is transferred to the caller - so push it onto the CleanupStack
    // Get attachment's name 
    const TDesC& attachName = attachInfo->AttachmentName();

    // Get attachment's size 
    TInt attachSize = attachInfo->Size();
    // Get attachment's type 
    CMsvAttachment::TMsvAttachmentType attachType = attachInfo->Type();
    // Get MIME type 
    const TDesC8& attachMType = attachInfo->MimeType();
    // Get completeness flag   
    TBool complete = attachInfo->Complete(); 


    // Destroy attachInfo when finished.  

You can modify attachment information for an existing attachment using the ModifyattachmentL() function. The attachment information object passed in replaces the existing attachment information object.

void CFoo::ModifyAttachmentInfoL(CMsvEntry& aEntry)
    // Get the store
    CMsvStore* store = aEntry.EditStoreL();
    MMsvAttachmentManager& attManager = store->AttachmentManagerL();
    // Get number of attachments
    TInt numAttach = attManager.AttachmentCount();
    if ( numAttach == 0 ) 
       { // no attachments
       CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy() ; // store
    // Get attachment attributes for the first attachment (index 0)
    CMsvAttachment* attachment = attManager.GetAttachmentInfoL(0);
    CleanupStack::PushL( attachment ) ;
    // Rename the file
    TRequestStatus status;
    _LIT(KFileName, "hello.txt");
    // Modify attachment info
    attManager.ModifyAttachmentInfoL(attachment, status);
    // Wait for request to complete

    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, store); // attachment, store

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