Using the Parser Plug-in Resource File

This section explains how to specify the field values for a parser plug-in resource file.


The XML framework is designed to manage numerous parser implementations and has functionality to choose the implementation most suited to the current document.

The criteria used to make the selection are held in the Xml::CMatchData class. When this information does not force the selection of exactly one parser, the framework defaults firstly to choose a Symbian-supplied parser if present, else it will choose the one with the lowest UID. When a parser implementation is created, a resource file which supplies the related information must also be created.

The implementation_uid field must contain the UID of the plug-in. The default_data field must contain the document type it can parse. The opaque_data field specifies the supplier (Symbian or other). The following is a sample resource file:

       dll_uid = 0x10273863;
       interfaces = 
                     interface_uid = 0x101FAA0B;
                     implementations = 
                                   implementation_uid = 0x10273864;
                                   version_no = 2;
                                   display_name = "Example parser";
                                   default_data = "text/xml||text/wbxml";
                                   opaque_data = "LicenseeX";

For more details on how to write a sample registration resource file, refer to Creating a Standard Registration Resource File

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