Querying TLD Policy Data

This document explains how to retrieve the characters from the Top-Level Domain Blacklists and Whitelists.


The TLD policy data is composed of a list of TLDs.

For each of the TLDs, the Whitelist contains the trusted UTF-8 characters and the Blacklist contains the suspect UTF-8 characters.


Before you start, you must:


  1. Create a connection with the InetURIList server.

    RInetUriList uriServer;
  2. Build a TPolicyQueryArgs object.

    The constructor takes an URI as its first parameter, which defines which TLD the request is made on.
    1. To request a character set, pass the list type (InetUriList::EWhiteList or InetUriList::EBlackList) as the second parameter, and the InetUriList::EPolicyCharSet request type as the third parameter.
      // The TLD is "COM"
      _LIT8(KUri, "http://www.nokia.com");
      // the query requests the white list character set
      TPolicyQueryArgs tldArgs(KUri, InetUriList::EWhiteList, InetUriList::EPolicyCharSet);
    2. To check whether an URI is unsafe, only pass the InetUriList::EPolicyListType request type as the second parameter.
      // The TLD is "COM"
      _LIT8(KUri, "http://www.nokia.com");
      // the query requests to check the URI
      TPolicyQueryArgs tldArgs(KUri, InetUriList::EPolicyListType);
  3. Create a TQueryResults object to store the result.

    TQueryResults tldResult;
  4. Call the RInetUriList::QueryTldInfoL() method with your query and result structures.

    RInetUriList::QueryTldInfoL(tldArgs, tldResult);
    // retrieve the characters
    HBufC8* policyData(NULL);
    policydata = tldResult.CharSetL();
  5. Close the connection with the InetURIList server.



The TQueryResults object contains the requested TLD policy data.

  • With an EPolicyListType request, the results objet contains ETrue is the URI contains suspect characters, EFalse otherwise.

  • An EPolicyCharSet request, the results objet contains the list of characters of the requested list.

Query example

Here is the combination of the code snippets provided in the above steps:

// Open the connection
RInetUriList uriServer;

// The TLD is "COM"
_LIT8(KUri, "http://www.nokia.com");

// Build a query requesting a character set
TPolicyQueryArgs tldArgs(KUri, InetUriList::EPolicyCharSet);

// Create an object for the results
TQueryResults tldResult;

// Make the query
RInetUriList::QueryTldInfoL(tldArgs, tldResult);

// retrieve the characters
HBufC8* policyData(NULL);
policydata = tldResult.CharSetL();

// [...] 
// process the policy data

// Close the connection

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