SMS Stack Configuration

This section describes how to configure the SMS stack using ESK files. ESK is a socket server (ESOCK) configuration file.

The smswap.sms.esk is used by the socket server during the initialisation of the SMS stack. The data from the ESK file is used to initialise the SMS stack variables. The smswap.sms.esk file is stored in the following locations:



Configuration example

A basic ESK file to load the SMS stack contains the following fields defined;

protocols= sms

filename= SMSPROT.PRT
index= 1

The SMS stack can be configured to handle some error conditions. If the following error conditions are not defined, or value specified is 0, the SMS stack sends a positive acknowledgement and discards the PDUs with the error. When the following error conditions are defined (value=1) in the ESK files, negative acknowledgement is sent and the PDUs with the error conditions are discarded.

The timer values to start and the timer value to send a message can be changed from default value of 1 minute using following fields:

sendTryTimeout= 120000000
bootTimerTimeout= 30000000

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