Tutorial 6: Development Process

As the figure below illustrates, the mobile application development process is similar to the desktop C++ development. However, there are a few things in the process that distinguish development for the Symbian platform from the desktop environment. One example of a difference is in the build step where separate builds are required for testing in the emulator and testing on the device.

Figure: The development cycle

The above figure shows the continuous cycle of analysis and design, coding, building, and testing involved in the process of developing an application.

Note: In reality these tasks are not necessarily performed by the same developer and that your exact processes may differ. The steps in the cycle are the following:

Development step Description
1. Analysis and Design Defining the requirements, scope, and functionality of the application.
2. Coding Writing the application.
3. Building Building the application for the emulator and the target mobile device.
4. Testing Testing the application first in the emulator and the then on the target mobile device.
5. Deploying Deploying the application onto the target mobile device.