#include <math.h>
asin (double x); |
asinf (float x); |
long double
asinl (long double x); |
| x | > 1
asin (x);
returns an NaN.
#include <math.h> int main( ) { double x = 0.5; double y = asin( x ); printf( "asin(%f) = %f\n", x, y ); y = asinf( x ); printf( "asinf(%f) = %f\n", x, y ); y = asinl( x ); printf( "asinl(%f) = %f\n", x, y ); }
asin( 0.500000 ) = 0.523599 asinf(0.500000 ) = 0.523599 asinl(0.500000 ) = 0.523599
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