#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
mkdir (const char *path, mode_t mode); |
Note: mode values will be ignored while directory creation.Default working directory of a process is initialized to C:rivateID (UID of the calling application), and any data written into this C:rivateID directory persists between phone resets.
Limitation: Parent directory time stamps will not be updated with new directory creation, created directory will be empty(i.e., it doesnt have "." and ".." entries)
/** * Detailed description : This test code demonstrates usage of mkdir systemcall, it creates function * a directory Example in current working directory. **/ int main() { if(mkdir("Example" , 0666) < 0 ) { printf("Directory creation failed \n"); return -1; } printf("Directory Example created \n"); return 0; }
Directory Example created
A component of the path prefix is not a directory.(Not supported). | |
A component or an entire path name exceeded 255 characters. | |
[ENOENT] | |
A component of the path prefix does not exist. | |
[EACCES] | |
Search permission is denied for a component of the path prefix, or write permission is denied on the parent directory of the directory to be created(Not supported). | |
[ELOOP] | |
Too many symbolic links were encountered in translating the pathname( Not supported). | |
[EROFS] | |
The named file resides on a read-only file system(Not supported). | |
[EEXIST] | |
The named file exists. | |
[ENOSPC] | |
The new directory cannot be created because there is no space left on the file system that will contain the directory(Not supported). | |
[ENOSPC] | |
There are no free inodes on the file system on which the directory is being created(Not supported). | |
[EDQUOT] | |
The new directory cannot be created because the users quota of disk blocks on the file system that will contain the directory has been exhausted(Not supported). | |
[EDQUOT] | |
The users quota of inodes on the file system on which the directory is being created has been exhausted(Not supported). | |
[EIO] | An I/O error occurred while making the directory entry or allocating the inode(Not supported). |
[EIO] | An I/O error occurred while reading from or writing to the file system(Not supported). |
[EFAULT] | |
The path argument points outside the processs allocated address space(Not supported). | |
© 2008 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. This documentation can be used in the connection with this Product to help and support the user. |