Examples for Open C Libraries |
String manipulation on Symbian is tricky though, Symbian has a rich set of APIs for formatting/manipulating strings with both UNICODE (16 bit variants) and narrow character sets (8-bits). Users familiar with Standard C string manipulations may find using these APIs complex.
When writing hybrid applications on Symbian using native Symbian APIs as well as Open C APIs, the user may need to convert the SYMBIAN descriptors to standard C character strings and vice versa. Especially, in case of writing hybrid applications on open C, user faces this conversion problem more frequently. It is really difficult to do these conversions without the thorough knowledge of SYMBIAN descriptors.
String Utilities Ex is a library, which helps Open C developers. It exports several string- utility APIs for descriptor to character string conversions and vice versa. This library enables the user to write a hybrid application on Open C, with out knowing much about SYMBIAN descriptors
TARGET OpenCStringUtilitiesExeEx.exe TARGETTYPE exe UID 0x100039CE 0xA000131F VENDORID 0 SOURCEPATH \data START RESOURCE stringutils_ex_reg.rss #ifdef WINSCW TARGETPATH \private\10003a3f\apps #else TARGETPATH \private\10003a3f\import\apps #endif END //RESOURCE SOURCEPATH ..\src //Sourcefile SOURCE example.cpp USERINCLUDE ..\inc // Include path from the OpenCStringUtilitiesLibEx library USERINCLUDE ..\..\Library\inc //Standard System include paths SYSTEMINCLUDE \epoc32\include // These are needed for including Open C headers // NOTE! When part of SDK, path will differ SYSTEMINCLUDE \epoc32\include\stdapis STATICLIBRARY libcrt0.lib LIBRARY euser.lib LIBRARY libc.lib // Link with OpenCStringUtilitiesLibEx Library LIBRARY OpenCStringUtilitiesLibEx.lib // No capabilities needed by this application CAPABILITY None LANG SC
ŠNokia 2007 |