Examples for Open C Libraries |
Antiword is a console-based application ported onto Open C, It serves the following purposes:
The MMP file for Antiword is as shown below:
TARGET antiword.exe TARGETTYPE exe UID 0x100039CE 0xA0001323 VENDORID 0 SOURCEPATH ..\data START RESOURCE antiword_reg.rss #ifdef WINSCW TARGETPATH \private\10003a3f\apps #else TARGETPATH \private\10003a3f\import\apps #endif END //RESOURCE SOURCEPATH ..\src //Sourcefile SOURCE asc85enc.c SOURCE blocklist.c SOURCE chartrans.c SOURCE datalist.c SOURCE depot.c SOURCE dib2eps.c SOURCE doclist.c SOURCE fail.c SOURCE finddata.c SOURCE findtext.c SOURCE fmt_text.c SOURCE fontlist.c SOURCE fonts.c SOURCE fonts_u.c SOURCE hdrftrlist.c SOURCE imgexam.c SOURCE imgtrans.c SOURCE jpeg2eps.c SOURCE listlist.c SOURCE main_u.c SOURCE misc.c SOURCE notes.c SOURCE options.c SOURCE out2window.c SOURCE output.c SOURCE pdf.c SOURCE pictlist.c SOURCE png2eps.c SOURCE png2sprt.c SOURCE postscript.c SOURCE prop0.c SOURCE prop2.c SOURCE prop6.c SOURCE prop8.c SOURCE properties.c SOURCE propmod.c SOURCE rowlist.c SOURCE sectlist.c SOURCE stylelist.c SOURCE stylesheet.c SOURCE summary.c SOURCE tabstop.c SOURCE text.c SOURCE unix.c SOURCE utf8.c SOURCE word2text.c SOURCE worddos.c SOURCE wordlib.c SOURCE wordmac.c SOURCE wordole.c SOURCE wordwin.c SOURCE xmalloc.c SOURCE xml.c USERINCLUDE ..\inc //Project Specific Macro and reqmts. MACRO SYMBIAN MACRO NDEBUG epocheapsize 0x4000 0x8000 epocstacksize 0x8000 //Standard System include paths SYSTEMINCLUDE \epoc32\include // These are needed for including Open C headers // NOTE! When part of SDK, path will differ SYSTEMINCLUDE \epoc32\include\stdapis STATICLIBRARY libcrt0.lib LIBRARY euser.lib LIBRARY libc.lib // No capabilities needed by this application CAPABILITY None LANG SC