- Since there is no long double support in Symbian OS, all long double version
APIs invoke the double versions of the APIs. Long double APIs behave similarly
to double APIs. In Symbian OS, the floating-point operations are carried out
with the help of a floating-point emulator. It does not support any hardware
for floating-point operations. Therefore the accuracy of the result varies
from that of the accuracy obtained in an OS with a hardware floating-point
- Floating-point exceptions are not supported, because there is no hardware
floating-point coprocessor support in the current phones.
- Complex number APIs are not supported in this library.
- Errno is not set in any of the APIs, since the FreeBSD code does not follow
it. FreeBSD man pages do not mention the errno at all.
- The accuracy level of the APIs is too low, as the floating point operations
are carried out by software emulation in Symbian OS.
- MACRO _LONG_LONG_SUPPORTED should be added to the mmp file
to get the support of long long related APIs.
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