#include <unistd.h>
symlink (const char *name1, const char *name2); |
/* * Detailed description : Example to create symlink to a file. * Precondition : "Parent.txt" should exist in c: drive. * Remarks : Symlink behaviour is exactly similar to link api. */ #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { if(symlink("C:\arent.txt","C:\ink") < 0) { printf("simulated link creation to parent file failed\n"); return -1 ; } printf("simulated link to parent file created"); return 0 ; }
simulated link to parent file created.
[ENOENT] | |
A component of either path prefix does not exist. | |
A component or an entire path name exceeded 255 characters. | |
[ENOENT] | |
A relative path was encountered in translating name2 and is not supported by the platform. | |
[EINVAL] | |
A relative path was encountered in translating name1 and is not supported by the platform. | |
[ENOENT] | |
An empty path was encountered in translating one of the pathnames. | |
[ELOOP] | |
Too many symbolic links were encountered in translating one of the pathnames. | |
[ELOOP] | |
name2 itself is a link type file. | |
[ENOENT] | |
The file named by name1 does not exist. | |
[EEXIST] | |
The link named by name2 does exist. | |
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