
wcsftime - duplicate a wide-character string




  #include <wchar.h>
  size_t wcsftime (wchar_t * restrict wcs, size_t maxsize, const wchar_t * restrict format, const struct tm * restrict timeptr);

Return values

wcsftime shall return the number of wide-character codes placed into the array pointed to by wcs , not including the terminating null wide-character code. Otherwise, zero is returned and the contents of the array are unspecified.

Detailed description

The wcsftime function is equivalent to the strftime function except for the types of its arguments. Refer to strftime for a detailed description.


#include <wchar.h>
#include <time.h>
/* Illustatrates how to use wcsftime API */
int example_wcsftime()
  wchar_t datestring[50];
  int retval;
  struct tm *tm;
  /* get the current time */
  time_t t = time(NULL);
  /* get the local time from the current time */
  tm = localtime(&t);
  /* convert date and time to a wide-character string */
  retval = wcsftime(datestring,15,L"%A",tm);
  /* If the total number of resulting wide-character codes */
  /* including the terminating null wide-character code is */
  /* no more than maxsize, wcsftime() shall return the number */
  /* of wide-character codes placed into the array pointed to */
  /* by wcs, not including the terminating null wide-character */
  /* code. Otherwise, zero is returned and the contents of the */
  /* array are unspecified.*/
  return retval;


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