
wfindfirst, wfindnext, findclose
- Provides information about the first instance of a file name that matches the file specified in the filespec argument and wfindnext finds the next name.




  #include <wchar.h>
  long wfindfirst (const wchar_t* filespec, struct _wfinddata_t* fileinfo);
  int wfindnext (intptr_t handle, struct _wfinddata_t * fileinfo);
  int findclose (intptr_t handle);

Return values

If successful, wfindfirst return a unique search handle identifying the file or group of files matching the filespec specification, which can be used in a subsequent call to wfindnext or to findclose. Otherwise, wfindfirst returns -1 and sets errno accordingly.

If successful, wfindnext returns 0. Otherwise, returns -1 and sets errno to a value indicating the nature of the failure.

If successful, findclose returns 0. Otherwise, it returns -1 and sets errno to ENOENT


  Invalid parameter: filespec or fileinfo was NULL. Or, the operating system returned an unexpected error.

  File specification that could not be matched.

Detailed description

The wfindfirst function provides information about the first instance of a file name that matches the file specified in the filespec argument. Any wildcard combination supported by the host operating system can be used in filespec. File information is returned in a _wfinddata_t structure, defined in wchar.h. The _wfinddata_t structure includes the following elements.

unsigned attrib File attribute

time_t time_create
  Time of file creation (-1L for Symbian)

time_t time_access
  Time of the last file access (-1L for Symbian)

time_t time_write Time of the last write to file

size_t size Length of the file in bytes

wchar_t name[260] Null-terminated name of matched file/directory, without the path

This attribute is returned in the attrib field of the _wfinddata_t structure and can have the following values (defined in wchar.h).
_A_ARCH Archive.
  Hidden file.
  System file.

The wfindnext finds the next name, if any, that matches the filespec argument in a previous call to wfindfirst and then alters the fileinfo structure contents accordingly.

The findclose closes the specified search handle and releases the associated resources.


#include <wchar.h>
int main( void )
   struct _wfinddata_t c_file;
   intptr_t hFile;
   // Find  .txt file in current directory
   if( (hFile = wfindfirst( L"*.txt", &c_file )) == -1L )
      printf( "No *.txt files in current directory" );
        int i = 1;
      do {
             wprintf( L" File %d = %s ",i,;
                     } while( wfindnext( hFile, &c_file ) == 0 );
      findclose( hFile );
   return 0 ;


File 1 = test1.txt
File 2 = test2.txt

See also


Does not support any attribute to find out the sub-directories (i.e., attribute _A_SUBDIR not supported).


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