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Allocator requirements

value_type Typedef on allocators
reference Typedef on allocators
const_reference Typedef on allocators
pointer Typedef on allocators
const_pointer Typedef on allocators
size_type Typedef on allocators
difference_type Typedef on allocators

In the following table, assume X is an allocator class for objects of type T, a is a value of X, n is of type X::size_type, p is of type X::pointer, r is of type X::reference and s is of type X::const_reference.

X () Constructor on allocators

pointer address (reference r) Method on allocators
const_pointer const_address (const_reference s) Method on allocators
pointer allocate (size_type n) Method on allocators
deallocate (pointer p) Method on allocators
void construct (pointer p, value_type a) Method on allocators
void destroy (pointer p) Method on allocators
size_type init_page_size () Method on allocators
size_type max_size () Method on allocators

All the operations on the allocators are expected to be amortized constant time.

Table 7: Allocator requirements

Expression Return type Assertion/note pre/post-condition
X::value_type T
X::reference lvalue of T
X::const_reference const lvalue of T
X::pointer pointer to T type the result of operator* of values of X::pointer is of reference.
X::const_pointer pointer to const T type the result of operator* of values of X::const_pointer is of const_reference; it is the same type of pointer as X::pointer, in particular, sizeof(X::const_pointer) == sizeof(X::pointer).
X::size_type unsigned integral type the type that can represent the size of the largest object in the memory model.
X::difference_type signed integral type the type that can represent the difference between any two pointers in the memory model.
X a; note: a destructor is assumed.
a.address(r) pointer *(a.address(r)) == r.
a.const_address(s) const_pointer *(a.address(s)) == s.
a.allocate(n) X::pointer memory is allocated for n objects of type T but objects are not constructed. allocate may raise an appropriate exception.
a.deallocate(p) result is not used all the objects in the area pointed by p should be destroyed prior to the call of the deallocate.
construct(p, a) void post: *p == a.
destroy(p) void the value pointed by p is destroyed.
a.init_page_size() X::size_type the returned value is the optimal value for an initial buffer size of the given type. It is assumed that if k is returned by init_page_size, t is the construction time for T, and u is the time that it takes to do allocate(k), then k \times t is much greater than u.
a.max_size() X::size_type the largest positive value of X::difference_type

Pointer belongs to the category of mutable random access iterators referring to T. const_pointer belongs to the category of constant random access iterators referring to T. There is a conversion defined from pointer to const_pointer.

For any allocator template Alloc there is a specialization for type void. Alloc<void> has only constructor, destructor, and Alloc<void>::pointer defined. Conversions are defined from any instance of Alloc<T>::pointer into Alloc<void>::pointer and back so that for any p, p == Alloc<T>::pointer(Alloc<void>::pointer(p)).

