This concept defines the visitor interface for dijkstra_shortest_paths() and related algorithms. The user can create a class that matches this interface, and then pass objects of the class into dijkstra_shortest_paths() to augment the actions taken during the search.
Copy Constructible (copying a visitor should be a lightweight operation).
V | A type that is a model of Dijkstra Visitor. |
vis | An object of type V. |
G | A type that is a model of Graph. |
g | An object of type G. |
e | An object of type boost::graph_traits<G>::edge_descriptor. |
s,u,v | An object of type boost::graph_traits<G>::vertex_descriptor. |
DistanceMap | A type that is a model of Read/Write Property Map. |
d | An object of type DistanceMap. |
WeightMap | A type that is a model of Readable Property Map. |
w | An object of type DistanceMap. |
Name | Expression | Return Type | Description |
Initialize Vertex | vis.initialize_vertex(u, g) | void | This is invoked one each vertex of the graph when it is initialized. |
Examine Vertex | vis.examine_vertex(u, g) | void | This is invoked on a vertex as it is popped from the queue. This happens immediately before examine_edge() is invoked on each of the out-edges of vertex u. |
Examine Edge | vis.examine_edge(e, g) | void | This is invoked on every out-edge of each vertex after it is discovered. |
Discover Vertex | vis.discover_vertex(u, g) | void | This is invoked when a vertex is encountered for the first time. |
Edge Relaxed | vis.edge_relaxed(e, g) | void |
Upon examination, if the following condition holds then the edge
is relaxed (its distance is reduced), and this method is invoked. tie(u,v) = incident(e, g); D d_u = get(d, u), d_v = get(d, v); W w_e = get(w, e); assert(compare(combine(d_u, w_e), d_v)); |
Edge Not Relaxed | vis.edge_not_relaxed(e, g) | void | Upon examination, if the edge is not relaxed (see above) then this method is invoked. |
Finish Vertex | vis.finish_vertex(u, g) | void | This invoked on a vertex after all of its out edges have been added to the search tree and all of the adjacent vertices have been discovered (but before their out-edges have been examined). |
To implement a model of the DijkstraVisitor concept in Python, create a new class that derives from the DijkstraVisitor type of the graph, which will be named GraphType.DijkstraVisitor. The events and syntax are the same as with visitors in C++. Here is an example for the Python bgl.Graph graph type:
class count_tree_edges_dijkstra_visitor(bgl.Graph.DijkstraVisitor): def __init__(self, name_map): bgl.Graph.DijkstraVisitor.__init__(self) self.name_map = name_map def edge_relaxed(self, e, g): (u, v) = (g.source(e), print "Relaxed edge ", print self.name_map[u], print " -> ", print self.name_map[v]
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