The Boost.MultiIndex test suite exercises the whole spectrum of functionalities provided by the library. Although the tests are not meant to serve as a learning guide, the interested reader may find it useful to inspect the source code to gain familiarity with some of the least common features offered by Boost.MultiIndex.
Program | Description |
test_basic.cpp | Simple program along the lines of the employees example studied in the tutorial. |
test_capacity.cpp | empty, size, resize (non key-based indices) and reserve/capacity (random access indices only). |
test_comparison.cpp | Comparison between indices. |
test_composite_key.cpp | composite_key and composite_key_compare. |
test_conv_iterators.cpp | Checks convertibility of non-constant to constant iterators. |
test_copy_assignment.cpp | Various forms of assignment: copy, operator =, insertion, (non key-based indices only) assign . |
test_hash_ops.cpp | Hashing operations. |
test_iterators.cpp | Constant and non-constant iterators and their reverse variants. |
test_key_extractors.cpp | Covers all use cases of key extractors shipped with the library. |
test_list_ops.cpp | List-like operations particular to sequenced and random access indices. |
test_modifiers.cpp | Checks the family of insertion and erasing operations. |
test_mpl_ops.cpp | Metaprogramming manipulations of multi_index_container types. |
test_observers.cpp | Checks observer member functions of ordered and hashed indices. |
test_projection.cpp | Projection of iterators among indices. |
test_range.cpp | Exercises the range facility (ordered indices only). |
test_rearrange.cpp | Rearrange functions of sequenced and random access indices. |
test_safe_mode.cpp | Comprehensive coverage of all conditions checked in safe mode. |
test_serialization1.cpp test_serialization2.cpp |
Serialization support. |
test_set_ops.cpp | Set-like operations particular to ordered indices. |
test_special_set_ops.cpp | Checks special lookup operations using compatible sorting criteria. |
test_update.cpp | replace, modify and modify_key. |
© Copyright 2003-2006 Joaquín M López Muñoz. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file License.html or copy at |