Class template recursive_wrapper

boost::recursive_wrapper — Solves circular dependencies, enabling recursive types.


template<typename T> 
class recursive_wrapper {
  // types
  typedef T type;

  // construct/copy/destruct
  recursive_wrapper(const recursive_wrapper &);
  recursive_wrapper(const T &);

  // modifiers
  void swap(recursive_wrapper &);
  recursive_wrapper & operator=(const recursive_wrapper &);
  recursive_wrapper & operator=(const T &);

  // queries
  T & get();
  const T & get() const;
  T * get_pointer();
  const T * get_pointer() const;


The recursive_wrapper class template has an interface similar to a simple value container, but its content is allocated dynamically. This allows recursive_wrapper to hold types T whose member data leads to a circular dependency (e.g., a data member of T has a data member of type T).

The application of recursive_wrapper is easiest understood in context. See “Recursive types with recursive_wrapper” for a demonstration of a common use of the class template.


  • Any type specified as the template argument to recursive_wrapper must be capable of construction via operator new. Thus, for instance, references are not supported.

recursive_wrapper construct/copy/destruct

  1. recursive_wrapper();

    Initializes *this by default construction of T.


    T must fulfill the requirements of the DefaultConstructible [20.1.4] concept.


    May fail with any exceptions arising from the default constructor of T or, in the event of insufficient memory, with std::bad_alloc.

  2. recursive_wrapper(const recursive_wrapper & other);

    Copies the content of other into *this.


    May fail with any exceptions arising from the copy constructor of T or, in the event of insufficient memory, with std::bad_alloc.

  3. recursive_wrapper(const T & operand);

    Copies operand into *this.


    May fail with any exceptions arising from the copy constructor of T or, in the event of insufficient memory, with std::bad_alloc.

  4. ~recursive_wrapper();

    Deletes the content of *this.

    Throws: Will not throw.

recursive_wrapper modifiers

  1. void swap(recursive_wrapper & other);

    Exchanges contents of *this and other.


    Will not throw.

  2. recursive_wrapper & operator=(const recursive_wrapper & rhs);

    Assigns the content of rhs to the content of *this.


    T must fulfill the requirements of the Assignable concept.


    May fail with any exceptions arising from the assignment operator of T.

  3. recursive_wrapper & operator=(const T & rhs);

    Assigns rhs into the content of *this.

    Requires: T must fulfill the requirements of the Assignable concept.
    Throws: May fail with any exceptions arising from the assignment operator of T.

recursive_wrapper queries

  1. T & get();
    const T & get() const;

    Returns a reference to the content of *this.

    Throws: Will not throw.
  2. T * get_pointer();
    const T * get_pointer() const;

    Returns a pointer to the content of *this.


    Will not throw.

Copyright © 2002, 2003 Eric Friedman, Itay Maman
Permission to copy, use, sell and distribute this software is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies. Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies, and a notice that the code was modified is included with the copyright notice. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
