The Standard C++ and Boost Libraries
The Standard C++ library

The Standard C++ library

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  • Throwing bad_alloc or any object from operator new on ARMV5 platfrom crashes. RVCT reports an exception when operator new throws bad_alloc. The problem occurs even if the user throws any object from within an overloaded operator new.

    The following operator new signatures are affected:

    void *operator new(unsigned int aSize);
    void *operator new[](unsigned int aSize);

    The following code snippet is an example that depicts the problem:

    class Dummy
    void *operator new(unsigned int aSize)
      void* __y = malloc(aSize);
      // try to simulate bad alloc
      if (__y == 0)
          throw Dummy(); //this will result in a crash
      return __y;
  • Message Catalogues are not supported in the current release because STL message catalogues depend on Internationalization library, which is not available on Symbian. Hence locale facets, messages and messages_byname will not work.
  • The APIs that use the long double data type might not have the desired precision as Symbian does not support the long double data type.
  • The id member variable of facet classes cannot be accessed directly, it has to be accessed via the GetFacetLocaleId() interface. Click here for more information on how to work around this issue.
  • For default locale "C", the API do_curr_symbol() returns an empty string. The behavior depends on the Open C API , that returns an empty string for the default "C" locale.
  • An unresolved reference to the symbol __gxx_personality_v0 is obtained when a static library built with GCCE is linked with an application using RVCT. In order to work around this issue, add -fno-exceptions to the compiler flags.

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