Thank you for installing the Open C++ for S60 3rd Edition SDK for Symbian OS.
Open C++ is Standard C++ and Boost libraries, designed to ease and encourage porting of open-source C++ applications from desktop to the Nokia S60 mobile phone platform. The Open C++ plug-in SDK provides Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), examples, and documentation to develop applications written in C++. The sis files are available to run applications on the devices.
The Open C++ Help is aimed at all developers working with the plugin. It includes both instructions as well as reference information needed in application development, including an API Reference Guide.
The sections present in the documentation are:
Developer Guide: This section deals with getting the user started with the Standard C++ library.
The Standard C++ Library:
This section deals with a version of Standard C++ library that is a port of
STLport to the Symbian OS platform.
Boost Libraries: This is a
collection of free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries, that extend the
functionality of C++. It works on almost any modern operating system, including
UNIX and Windows variants.
This section lists out the examples for both Standard C++ library as well as,
the Boost libraries.
Alphabetical Indexes: This
section lists out the alphabetical index for each of the libraries provided.
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