
A PropertyGraph is a graph that has some property associated with each of the vertices or edges in the graph. As a given graph may have several properties associated with each vertex or edge, a tag is used to identity which property is being accessed. The graph provides a function which returns a property map object.

Refinement of



G A type that is a model of PropertyGraph.
g An object of type G.
X Either the vertex or edge descriptor type for G.
x An object of type X.
Map The type boost::property_map<G, Property>::const_type.
v An object of type boost::property_traits<Map>::value_type.
PropertyTag A type that models the PropertyTag concept.
p An object of type PropertyTag.
pmap An object of type Map.

Associated types

boost::property_map<G, PropertyTag>::type

The type of the property map for the property specified by PropertyTag. This type must be a model of ReadWritePropertyMap with a key type the same as the graph's vertex or edge descriptor type.

boost::property_map<G, PropertyTag>::const_type

The type of the const property map for the property specified by PropertyTag. This type must be a model of ReadablePropertyMap with a key type the same as the graph's vertex or edge descriptor type.

Valid Expressions

get(p, g)

Returns the property map for the property specified by the PropertyTag type. The object p is only used to carry the type.
Return type:
boost::property_map<G, PropertyTag>::type if g is mutable
boost::property_map<G, PropertyTag>::const_type otherwise.

get(p, g, x) Returns the property value (specified by the PropertyTag type) associated with object x (a vertex or edge). The object p is only used to carry the type. This function is equivalent to:
get(get(p, g), x)
Return type:
put(p, g, x, v) Set the property (specified by the PropertyTag type) associated with object x (a vertex or edge) to the value v. The object p is only used to carry the type. This function is equivalent to:
pmap = get(p, g);
put(pmap, x, v)

Return type:


The get() property map function must be constant time.


Concept Checking Class

  template <class Graph, class X, class PropertyTag>
  struct PropertyGraphConcept
    typedef typename property_map<G, PropertyTag>::type Map;
    typedef typename property_map<G, PropertyTag>::const_type const_Map;
    void constraints() {
      function_requires< GraphConcept<G> >();
      function_requires< ReadWritePropertyMapConcept<Map, X> >();
      function_requires< ReadablePropertyMapConcept<const_Map, X> >();

      Map pmap = get(PropertyTag(), g);
      pval = get(PropertyTag(), g, x);
      put(PropertyTag(), g, x, pval);
    void const_constraints(const G& g) {
      const_Map pmap = get(PropertyTag(), g);
      pval = get(PropertyTag(), g, x);
    G g;
    X x;
    typename property_traits<Map>::value_type pval;

See Also


Copyright © 2000-2001
Jeremy Siek, Indiana University ([email protected])