Graph_Random: The header <boost/graph/random> provides routines to create random graph, select random vertices and edges, and randomize properties.
template <class Graph, class RandomNumGen> typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor random_vertex(Graph& g, RandomNumGen& gen); template <class Graph, class RandomNumGen> typename graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor random_edge(Graph& g, RandomNumGen& gen); template <typename MutableGraph, class RandNumGen> void generate_random_graph (MutableGraph& g, typename graph_traits<MutableGraph>::vertices_size_type V, typename graph_traits<MutableGraph>::vertices_size_type E, RandNumGen& gen, bool self_edges = false); template<class Property, class G, class RandomGenerator> void randomize_property(G& g, RandomGenerator rg);
template <class Graph, class RandomNumGen> typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor random_vertex(Graph& g, RandomNumGen& gen);
Effects: Selects a random vertex in a graph and returns it.
Preconditions: num_vertices(g) != 0
Complexity: O(num_vertices(g))
template <class Graph, class RandomNumGen> typename graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor random_edge(Graph& g, RandomNumGen& gen);
Effects: Selects a random edge in a graph and returns it.
Preconditions: num_edges(g) != 0
Complexity: O(num_edges(g))
template <typename MutableGraph, class RandNumGen> void generate_random_graph (MutableGraph& g, typename graph_traits<MutableGraph>::vertices_size_type V, typename graph_traits<MutableGraph>::vertices_size_type E, RandNumGen& gen, bool allow_parallel = true, bool self_edges = false);
Effects: Adds V vertices and E edges, to g. Source and target vertices of each edge are randomly chosen. If self_edges is false, then no edge will have the same source and targets.
Precondition: num_vertices(g) == 0
Compleixity: O(V*E)
template<class Property, class G, class RandomGenerator> void randomize_property(G& g, RandomGenerator& rg);
Effects: Sets the random value of property on either all vertices, or all edges, depending on property kind.
Complexity: O(V) or O(E), depending on property kind.
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