Boost.MultiArray: It provides a generic N-dimensional array concept definition and common implementations of that interface.
namespace boost { namespace multi_array_types { typedef *unspecified* index; typedef *unspecified* size_type; typedef *unspecified* difference_type; typedef *unspecified* index_range; typedef *unspecified* extent_range; typedef *unspecified* index_gen; typedef *unspecified* extent_gen; } template <typename ValueType, std::size_t NumDims, typename Allocator = std::allocator<ValueType> > class multi_array; template <typename ValueType, std::size_t NumDims> class multi_array_ref; template <typename ValueType, std::size_t NumDims> class const_multi_array_ref; multi_array_types::extent_gen extents; multi_array_types::index_gen indices; template <typename Array, int N> class subarray_gen; template <typename Array, int N> class const_subarray_gen; template <typename Array, int N> class array_view_gen; template <typename Array, int N> class const_array_view_gen; class c_storage_order; class fortran_storage_order; template <std::size_t NumDims> class general_storage_order; }
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