Open C++ for S60 5th Edition SDK

Thank you for installing the Open C++ S60 5th Edition SDK. Open C++ is Standard C++ and Boost libraries, designed to ease and encourage porting of open-source C++ applications from desktop to Nokia S60 mobile phone platform. The Open C++ plug-in SDK provides Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), examples, and documentation to develop applications in C++. The sis files are available to run applications on the devices.

About Open C++ Help

The Open C++ Help is aimed at all developers working with the plug-in. It includes both instructions and reference information required for application development, including an API Reference Guide.

The sections present in the documentation are:

Developer Guide: Deals with getting the user started with the Standard C++ library.

The Standard C++ Library: Deals with a version of Standard C++ library that is a port of STLport to the Symbian OS platform. 

Boost Libraries: A collection of free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries, that extend the functionality of C++. It works on all modern operating system, including UNIX and Windows variants.

Examples: Lists out the examples for Standard C++ libraries and Boost libraries.

Alphabetical Indexes: Lists out the alphabetical index for the libraries provided.

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