The Standard C++ and Boost Libraries
Developer Guide

Developer Guide

Table of Contents

Known Issues
Use of Global Destructor
Issues with new Operator
The id Member Issue
Interleaving Symbian and Standard C++ Code


Known Issues


Use of Global Destructor

Symbian does not invoke destructors of global objects upon program termination. For example, in the code below, the destructor ~foo() is not called upon program termination. At the moment, it is advised not to perform any important operations using destructors.

using namespace std; 
class foo
cout <<"Entering foo\n"; 
cout <<"Leaving foo\n";
foo foo_bar; 
int main(void)
return 0;


Issues with new Operator

Throwing bad_alloc or any object from new on ARMV5 platfrom crashes. RVCT reports an exception when new throws bad_alloc. The problem occurs even if the user throws any object from within an overloaded operator new. The following new signatures are affected:

void *operator new(unsigned int aSize);
void *operator new[](unsigned int aSize);

The following code snippet is an example that depicts the problem:

class Dummy
void *operator new(unsigned int aSize)
void* __y = malloc(aSize);
// try to simulate bad alloc
if (__y == 0)
throw Dummy(); //this will result in a crash
return __y;

To implement user owned overloaded version of new, the user must implement them as class specific. The other way this could be achieved is by defining new similar to:

void* operator new(size_t s,newarg) throw (std::bad_alloc) 

and invoking it as:

Myclass* my = new(S60) Myclass()


The id Member Issue

The id member variable of facet classes cannot be accessed directly, it has to be accessed via the GetFacetLocaleId() interface.

Following code snippet is an example that illustrates how to uselocale::id while writing an application on top of the Standard Template Library (STL). Declare a static method GetFacetLocaleId() instead of the member variable id when, defining a class base_facet inherited from locale::facet in a header file.

class base_facet : public locale::facet 
static locale::id; 
GetFacetLocaleId(); // in place of static locale::id
In the source file define the method GetFacetLocaleId().
locale::id base_facet_id; 
locale::id& base_facet::GetFacetLocaleId()
return base_facet_id; 


Interleaving Symbian and Standard C++ Code

The user must exercise caution while using try or catch, and trap while interleaving Symbian C++ and Standard C++ code. Adapter code is required to handover or suppress exception coming from the Standard C++ to Symbian C++ code.

Following code snippet illustrates how to use the adaptor code. Adaptor code can be a part of DLLA.

DLL A - Symbian C++ code

void CDoIt::Doit()
   class foo *p = new __foo__();
   delete p;

DLLB - Standard C++ code

class foo {
  foo(); //constructor
  bar(); // throw exception

DLLC - Adaptor code

class __foo__ {
  foo *p;

void __foo__::__foo__()
   int err = 0;
   try {
      p = new foo();
   } catch {
     err = some error
void __foo__::bar()
   int err = 0;
   try {
   } catch {
     err = some error

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ŠNokia 2008

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