The Standard C++ and Boost Libraries
Examples for Boost Libraries

Examples for Boost Libraries

Table of Contents

MMP File for Array
Source Code for Array



This example demonstrates a test case for boost::array an, STL compliant container wrapper for arrays of constant size. STL provides class std::vector as a replacement for ordinary arrays. However, std::vector<> provides the semantics of dynamic arrays. Thus, it manages data to be able to change the number of elements. This results in some overhead only in the case of arrays that need static size. Class array fulfills most but, not all of the requirements of "reversible containers". An array is not a reversible STL container because of the following reasons:

  • No constructors are provided.
  • Elements may have an undetermined initial value – An array can be initialized with a brace-enclosing, comma-seperated list of initializers for the elements of container, written in increasing subscript order :
    boost::array  <int,4>a={1,2,3}
    Note : If there are fewer elements in the initializer list, then each remaining element gets default-initialized (thus, it has a defined value).
  • swap()- has no constant complexity.
  • front() and back() are provided.
  • operator[] and at() are provided.
  • size() is always constant, based on the second template argument of the type.
  • The container provides no allocator support.


MMP File for Array

The MMP file for Array is as shown below:

TARGET		  OpenCBoostArrayEx.exe
UID		0 0xEA9D51D0
SOURCEPATH      ..\data
START RESOURCE  OpenCBoostArrayEx_reg.rss
#ifdef WINSCW
TARGETPATH 	    \private\10003a3f\apps
TARGETPATH 	    \private\10003a3f\import\apps
SOURCE		OpenCBoostArrayEx.cpp
SYSTEMINCLUDE	\epoc32\include 
SYSTEMINCLUDE	\epoc32\include\stdapis
SYSTEMINCLUDE	\epoc32\include\stdapis\sys
SYSTEMINCLUDE	\epoc32\include\stdapis\stlport
SYSTEMINCLUDE	\epoc32\include\stdapis\stlport\stl
SYSTEMINCLUDE	\epoc32\include\stdapis\boost

LIBRARY		libstdcpp.lib
LIBRARY		libc.lib
LIBRARY		libpthread.lib
LIBRARY		euser.lib

OPTION CW -wchar_t on


Source Code for Array

Following code snippet below is an example usage for the boost array:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/array.hpp>
// This is a GCCE toolchain workaround needed when compiling with GCCE
// and using main() entry point
#ifdef __GCCE__
#include <staticlibinit_gcce.h>
namespace {
unsigned int failed_tests = 0;

void    fail_test( const char * reason ) {
    std::cerr << "Test failure " << failed_tests << ": " << reason << std::endl;
template<class T>
void    BadValue( const T &  )
    fail_test( "Unexpected value" );
template<class T>
void    RunTests()
    typedef boost::array< T, 0 >    test_type;

    //  Test value and aggegrate initialization
    test_type                   test_case   =   {};
    const boost::array< T, 0 >  const_test_case = test_type();

    test_case.assign( T() );

    //  front/back and operator[] must compile, but calling them is undefined
    //  Likewise, all tests below should evaluate to false, avoiding undefined behaviour
    if( !test_case.empty() ) {
        BadValue( test_case.front() );

    if( !const_test_case.empty() ) {
        BadValue( const_test_case.back() );

    if( test_case.size() > 0 ) {
        BadValue( test_case[ 0 ] );

    if( const_test_case.max_size() > 0 ) {
        BadValue( const_test_case[ 0 ] );

    //  Assert requirements of TR1
    if( test_case.begin() != test_case.end() ) {
        fail_test( "Not an empty range" );
    if( const_test_case.begin() != const_test_case.end() ) {
        fail_test( "Not an empty range" );

    if( test_case.begin() == const_test_case.begin() ) {
        fail_test( "iterators for different containers are not distinct" );

    if( == ) {
    //  Value of data is unspecified in TR1, so no requirement this test pass or fail
    //  However, it must compile!

    //  Check can safely use all iterator types with std algorithms
    std::for_each( test_case.begin(), test_case.end(), BadValue< T > );
    std::for_each( test_case.rbegin(), test_case.rend(), BadValue< T > );
    std::for_each( const_test_case.begin(), const_test_case.end(), BadValue< T > );
    std::for_each( const_test_case.rbegin(), const_test_case.rend(), BadValue< T > );

    //  Check swap is well formed
    std::swap( test_case, test_case );

    //  Check assigment operator and overloads are well formed
    test_case   =   const_test_case;

    //  Confirm at() throws the std lib defined exception
    try {
        BadValue( 0 ) );
    } catch ( const std::range_error & ) {

    try {
        BadValue( 0 ) );
    } catch ( const std::range_error & ) {


int main()
    RunTests< bool >();
    RunTests< void * >();
    RunTests< long double >();
    RunTests< std::string >();
    if(failed_tests != 0)
    	printf("Test Failed");
    	printf("Test Passed. No failed cases for Bool, void, double and string");
    return 0;

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