The Standard C++ and Boost Libraries
Introduction to Boost C++ Libraries

Introduction to Boost C++ Libraries

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The Boost C++ Libraries are a collection of free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries, that extend the functionality of C++. It works on almost any modern operating system, including UNIX and Windows variants. Most of the libraries are licensed under the Boost Software License. The Boost license policies encourage both commercial and non-commercial use, and it is not related to the GPL or other licenses. Boost libraries rely on modern C++ features such as templates and the C++ Standard Library which is already supported in S60 (Series 60 platform).

The libraries are aimed at a wide range of C++ users and application domains. They range from general-purpose libraries like SmartPtr, to OS Abstractions like FileSystem, to libraries primarily aimed at other library developers and advanced C++ users, like MPL.

Boost makes extensive use of templates to ensure efficiency and flexibility. Boost is the source of extensive work and research into generic programming and meta-programming in C++. The Boost C++ libraries: .

  • Speed initial development
  • Result in fewer bugs
  • Cut long-term maintenance costs

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