The states can also be added to button dynamically. To add button states
as required, use the method AddStateL()
in the class CAknButton
// Add state with button text and help text HBufC* stateText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_MYAPP_BUTTON_TEXT ); HBufC* stateHelpText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_MYAPP_BUTTON_TEXT ); button->AddStateL( 0, 0, 0, 0, *stateText, *stateHelpText, 0 ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // stateText, stateHelpText // Add state with icon … #include <avkon.mbg> … TPtrC8 pathPtr( ( TUint8* ) AVKON_BITMAP_FILE ); HBufC *filePath = HBufC::NewLC( pathPtr.Length() ); filePath->Des().Copy( pathPtr ); button->AddStateL( *filePath, EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_volume_arrow_down, EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_volume_arrow_down_mask, 0, 0, EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_volume_arrow_down, EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_volume_arrow_down_mask, 0, 0, KNullDesC, KNullDesC, 0, KAknsIIDQgnIndiVolumeArrowDown, KAknsIIDQgnIndiVolumeArrowDownInactive, KAknsIIDQgnIndiVolumeArrowDownSelected, KAknsIIDDefault ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( filePath );
The following sample code defines three different kinds of buttons with button states in a resource file.
#include <avkon.mbg> #include <aknsconstants.hrh> … RESOURCE AVKON_BUTTON r_myapp_command_button { flags = 0; states = { AVKON_BUTTON_STATE { bmpfile = AVKON_BITMAP_FILE; bmpid = EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_volume_arrow_down; bmpmask = EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_volume_arrow_down_mask; press_bmpid = EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_volume_arrow_down; press_bmpmask = EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_volume_arrow_down_mask; helptxt = "Volume down"; // Skinning support for state icon extension = r_myapp_command_button_extension; } }; } RESOURCE AVKON_BUTTON_STATE_EXTENSION r_myapp_command_button_extension { bmbSkinIdMajor = EAknsMajorGeneric; bmbSkinIdMinor = EAknsMinorGenericQgnIndiVolumeArrowDown; } RESOURCE AVKON_BUTTON r_myapp_onoff_button { flags = 0; states = { AVKON_BUTTON_STATE { txt = "Off"; helptxt = "Turn on"; }, AVKON_BUTTON_STATE { flags = KAknButtonStateHasLatchedFrame; txt = "On"; helptxt = "Turn off"; } }; } RESOURCE AVKON_BUTTON r_myapp_mode_button { flags = 0; states = { AVKON_BUTTON_STATE { txt = "Mode 1"; helptxt = "Switch to 2"; }, AVKON_BUTTON_STATE { txt = "Mode 2"; helptxt = "Switch to 3"; }, AVKON_BUTTON_STATE { txt = "Mode 3"; helptxt = "Switch to 1"; } }; }
To set current state for the button, use the method SetCurrentState()
in the class CAknButton
To get a pointer to the current state of the button, use State()
The index of the current state can be acquired with the method CAknButton::StateIndex()
if ( button->StateIndex() == 0 ) { button->SetCurrentState( 1, ETrue ); }