Sensor APIs class structure

Channel finder CSensrvChannelFinder provides interfaces to search and find sensor channels that the system provides. To listen for new channels installed to the device, use the MSensrvChannelListener callback interface.

Sensor channel CSensrvChannel provides methods to open and control a sensor channel. The class provides operations to:

  • Start and stop channel data listening. Operation for getting the new data is also provided. To listen for new data availability, use the MSensrvDataListener callback interface.

  • Start and stop channel condition listening. To listen for the condition reached, use the MSensrvChannelConditionListener callback interface. Conditions are encapsulated to the classes CSensrvChannelConditionSet and CSensrvChannelCondition.

  • Set and get channel properties. To listen for property changes, use the MSensrvPropertyListener callback interface.

Create an instance of the C classes using the standard Symbian NewL two phase construction.

If you need a callback interface, implement the appropriate M class and provide its pointer when required.

Sensor Data Compensator API (Nokia N97 SDK only)

The Sensor Data Compensator API, available in the Nokia N97 SDK, contains the class CSensorDataCompensator, used for compensating sensor data for device or display orientation.