Distinguishing between touch and keypad events in listboxes and grids

When you port applications written for S60 3rd Edition to S60 5th Edition, you can continue to use the S60 3rd Edition listbox events intended for keypad interaction. However, it is recommended that you implement support for listbox pointer events. This way you can also distinguish between keypad and touch-screen interactions.

Use the Lists API and the Grids API to implement listboxes and grids. Use the listbox observer to handle touch events.

In S60 3rd Edition, the event EEventEnterKeyPressed is sent by the application framework when the user selects the focused item item in a list or grid. In S60 5th Edition, this same event is simulated when the user taps a focused item. Therefore, you do not need to make changes to the lists and grids in your application in order to make them work in touch devices.

If you need to distinguish between keypad and pointer events, add handling for the event EEventItemDoubleClicked in your listbox observer.

When you implement support for EEventItemDoubleClicked, you also need to add the flag CAknAppUiBase::EAknTouchCompatible to your application's CAknAppUiBase::BaseConstructL() method.

Using this flag results in the framework sending the EEventItemDoubleClicked event instead EEventEnterKeyPressed when a focused list or grid item is tapped.

Even if you do not need to distinguish between keypad and touch events, it is recommended that you add handling for the event EEventItemDoubleClicked in your listbox observer. In this case, you can handle EEventItemDoubleClicked and EEventEnterKeyPressed in the same way.

To add support for EEventItemDoubleClicked in a listbox or grid:

  1. Add the flag EAknTouchCompatible in your application UI constructor.

    void CCalendarAPIexampleAppUi::ConstructL()
        BaseConstructL(EAknTouchCompatible | EAknEnableSkin);
  2. When you create your listbox or grid component, include information on the class implementing the MEikListBoxObserver interface.

    void CCalendarAPIexampleSearchContainer::ConstructL(const TRect& aRect)
        iSearchListBox = new (ELeave) CAknSingleStyleListBox;
        iSearchListBox->SetContainerWindowL(*this); // MEikListBoxObserver
        TResourceReader reader; 
        CEikonEnv::Static()->CreateResourceReaderLC(reader, R_CALENDARAPIEXAMPLE_SEARCH_LIST); 
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //reader
        iSearchListBox->ScrollBarFrame()->SetScrollBarVisibilityL(  CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff,
  3. Add handling of touch events to your listbox observer.

    void CCalendarAPIexampleSearchContainer::HandleListBoxEventL(   CEikListBox* /*aListBox*/, 
                                                                    TListBoxEvent aEventType)
            if (aEventType == EEventPenDownOnItem) 
            //action to take when the stylus is set down on a list item; 
            else if (aEventType == EEventItemClicked) 
            //action to take when the stylus is set down on a list item and lifted; 
            else if (aEventType == EEventItemDoubleClicked) 
            //action to take when a focused list item is tapped; 
            else if (aEventType == EEventEnterKeyPressed) 
            //action to take when the selection key is pressed on the keypad; 
            else if (aEventType == EEventItemDraggingActioned) 
            //action to take when a list item is dragged with the stylus; 
            //do something; 

In order to maintain compatibility with non-touch devices, you are recommended not to change the interaction model where first the user selects a control on the device, and then activates it. Use EEventItemDoubleClicked or EEventEnterKeyPressed , sent by the framework when the user taps the list item that has focus, as the event triggering an action on the item.

An alternative would be direct manipulation using the event EEventItemClicked so that the first tap on a list item without focus would trigger an action directly. This, however, would not work on non-touch devices.

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