Making an IP connection

The S60 platform allows applications to make different types of IP connections, depending on the mobile device characteristics. To check if a feature is available on the mobile device from your application, use the Feature Discovery API.

Typical use cases for an application that uses an IP connection include:

  • Transferring data over TCP/UDP sockets

  • Resolving a Domain Name System (DNS) name

  • Implementing a TCP server

  • Finding the network interface IP address

  • Monitoring the interface status

Important implementation considerations include:

  • If your application tries to establish a connection using an internet access point (IAP) that is being used by an already existing connection, the system automatically attaches your connection to that IAP. As a result, the IAP and the network interface is used by two applications.

  • When implementing your application, it is recommended that you take it into account that mobile network connections cost the mobile device user money and consider keeping the user informed when establishing connections.

  • In addition to transferring data over an IP connection, monitoring the connection status and changes in the network consumes power. This means that idle connections and frequent checks for connection status can reduce battery life unnecessarily. For more information on power consumption management, see Power Management documentation provided by Forum Nokia.

Establishing an IP connection

To establish a connection:

  1. Establish a connection using the Sockets Client API.

    The RSocketServ and RConnection classes are particularly relevant for establishing a connection. Use the RHostResolver class to resolve the DNS name.

    If you start the connection without giving any connection settings as parameters, the system will automatically query the mobile device user to select the appropriate internet access point (IAP) to use for the connection.

    Note: The selected IAP is used for the lifetime of the RConnection instance. If you wish to save the IAP settings for using the same IAP every time your application makes an IP connection, you need to enable this programatically.

  2. Monitor your connection using the Connection Monitor Server API so that your application is able to handle unexpected connection breaks or changes in the network characteristics.

    The API is used through the methods provided by the RConnectionMonitor class. Register an observer that is an instance of the MConnectionMonitorObserver class.

    You can also use the RConnection class of the Sockets Client API to monitor connections.

  3. Open a socket for data operations using the RSocket class of the Sockets Client API.

  4. For reasons pertaining to the nature of mobile device connections, close the socket and then the network connection when your application no longer needs the connection. For closing the network connection, it is recommended that you use the RConnection::Close() method to avoid breaking other connections that might be using the same network interface.

Additional information on making an IP connection

For more information, see:

Related S60 platform services

The S60 platform also offers the following related services:

  • Dialog and note components for notifying the mobile device user of network connections

  • Browsing and downloading for enabling content browsing and downloading services through your application

  • Secure Sockets API for adding authentication to an IP connection and encrypting the data that is transferred

    Note: This API is provided by the Symbian OS.

  • HTTP Client API for using the HTTP protocol for communication over the Internet

    Note: This API is provided by the Symbian OS.