The Browser Control API creates a basic Browser Control that you embed into an application in order to view Web content from within that application. The host application controls the way the Browser Control displays the Web content, as well as the dialogs, softkeys, and scroll bars. The Developer can specify the size and location (bouncing rectangle) of the Browser Control window as well as the desired capabilities of the Browser Control. These capabilities include:
In addition to the creating a basic Browser Control, this API enables the Developer to create Observer interfaces that listen for Browser Control events and perform customized actions based on those events. The Observers can enable you to do the following:
The following sections describe these use cases and provide sample code for each.
To create a basic Browser Control within your application to display Web-related
content, call the CreateBrowserControlL
function of the CBrCtlInterfrace
Function | Description |
CreateBrowserControlL | Creates an instance of a basic Browser Control |
To call this function, supply the following data:
Data required | Description |
Parent window of the Browser Control | Pointer to the parent of the Browser Control window. This control
must inherit from the |
Bounding rectangle of the Browser Control | Size and location of the Browser Control window. |
Capabilities desired for the Browser Control | Desired capabilities of the Browser Control. For example, displaying
scroll bars, allowing network access for HTTP requests. For a complete
list of capability options see |
The following code sample creates an instance of a basic Browser Control. In this example, the capabilities are set so that the Browser Control can:
)This relieves the host application of these responsibilities.
//--------------------------------------------------------------- // CBrCtlSampleAppContainer::ConstructL(const TRect& aRect) // EPOC two phased constructor // --------------------------------------------------------- // void CBrCtlSampleAppContainer::ConstructL(const TRect& aRect) { CreateWindowL(); SetRect(aRect); ActivateL(); iCommandBase = TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase; iBrCtlCapabilities = TBrCtlDefs::ECapabilityDisplayScrollBar | TBrCtlDefs::ECapabilityLoadHttpFw; TRect rect(Position(), Size()); iBrCtlInterface = CreateBrowserControlL( this, rect, iBrCtlCapabilities, iCommandBase, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); }
Notes on the code:
is the client rectangleiBrCtlCapabilities
are the capabilities
An observer is an interface, implemented by the host application, which listens for Browser Control events and performs customized actions based on those events. The following table lists and describes the observer interfaces.
Observer Interface | Description |
Dialogs Provider | Provides the dialogs used by the Browser Control. Implement this interface if you wish to customize the dialogs. |
Download Observer | Handles download events received from the Download Manager. Provides a callback mechanism that enables the Download Manager to inform the host application about new downloads and downloads to resume. Implement this interface if you wish to display the content progressively as it is downloading. |
Layout Observer | Receives scrolling events and updates the scroll bar. Implement this interface if you wish to customize the scroll bars. |
Link Resolver | Provides a callback mechanism for receiving the content of an embedded
link or the content of a user-initiated load request. Implement this interface if the host application must control page navigation or if the host application stores its content in a private store. |
Load Event Observer | Receives load progress events and updates the progress bar every time
the Browser Control receives a data chunk. Implement this interface if the host application implements a progress bar. |
Softkey Observer | Listens for events and changes the softkeys based on those events. Handles requests from the Browser Control for the host application to change one or both softkeys. Implement this interface if changes in the state of the Browser Control require the host application to change the softkeys. |
Special Load Observer | Handles special load requests. Implement this interface if the host application requires any of the following:
State Change Observer | Receives state-changed events. Implement this interface if the Browser Control switches to and from the Image Map view. Provides functions that notify the Browser Control of a state-changed event. |
Window Observer | Handles window events such as:
To create a Browser Control with observer interfaces, follow these steps:
function of the CBrCtlInterface
with the pointers to the newly created interface class(es).After
the host application restarts, this method is called for each file whose download
was interrupted when the host application closed.LoadEventObserver
can be added and removed dynamically. The other observers must be created
and passed in to the CreateBrowserControlL
function.Observer class Functions Description MBrCtlDialogsProvider
Notifies the user of an error encountered during a download. DialogNotifyHttpErrorL
Notifies the user of an error from the HTTP server during a download. DialogFileSelectLC
Navigates through your file system and selects a file. DialogSelectOptionL
Displays the selected dialog. DialogUserAuthenticationLC
Returns the user name and password. DialogNoteL
Displays a message to the user. DialogAlertL
Displays a message until the user presses OK
Displays a confirmation message to the user. DialogPromptLC
Prompts the user to input data. DialogDownloadObjectL
Displays information about the Netscape plug-in object and requests
confirmation before downloading the object. DialogDisplayPageImagesL
Displays the images contained in the current page. CancelAll
Cancels the displayed dialog due to Browser exit. MBrCtlDownloadObserver
Informs the host application that one of the following download events
is in progress: EDownload
Informs the host application that the Download Manager has begun a
new download. ResumeDownloadL
Tells the host application to resume an incomplete download. MBrCtlLayoutObserver
Updates the position of the horizontal scroll bar. UpdateBrowserVScrollBarL
Updates the position of the vertical scroll bar. NotifyLayoutChange
Determines whether the page is to be read right-to-left or left-to-right. MBrCtlLinkResolver
Retrieves the content of embedded objects. ResolveLinkL
Loads new content identified by a link. CancelAll
Cancels all outstanding link resolution operations. MBrCtlLoadEventObserver
Notifies the Browser Control of a load event and its size. MBrCtlSoftkeysObserver
Requests the host application to change a softkey. MBrCtlSpecialLoadObserver
Requests the host application to handle a download. HandleRequestL
Requests the host application to handle non-HTTP requests. NetworkConnectionNeededL
Requests a new network connection. MBrCtlStateChangeObserver
Notifies the Browser Control of a state-changed event. This means that
the image map view is turned on or off. MBrCtlWindowObserver
Handles window events such as:
The following example creates and configures an instance of the Browser Control that includes the following observer interfaces:
// --------------------------------------------------------- //CBrCtlSampleAppContainer::ConstructL(const TRect& aRect) // EPOC two phased constructor // --------------------------------------------------------- void CBrCtlSampleAppContainer::ConstructL(const TRect& aRect) { CreateWindowL(); SetRect(aRect); ActivateL(); iCommandBase = TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase; // Create the Observers iBrCtlSampleAppSpecialLoadObserver = CBrCtlSampleAppSpecialLoadObserver::NewL(); iBrCtlSampleAppLayoutObserver = CBrCtlSampleAppLayoutObserver::NewL(this); iBrCtlSampleAppSoftkeysObserver = CBrCtlSampleAppSoftkeysObserver::NewL(this); iBrCtlSampleAppLoadEventObserver = CBrCtlSampleAppLoadEventObserver::NewL(this); iBrCtlSampleAppLinkResolver = CBrCtlSampleAppLinkResolver::NewL(); iBrCtlSampleAppStateChangeObserver = CBrCtlSampleAppStateChangeObserver::NewL(this); iBrCtlSampleAppDialogsProvider = CBrCtlSampleAppDialogsProvider::NewL(this); // Initialize member variables iBrCtlCapabilities = TBrCtlDefs::ECapabilityDisplayScrollBar | TBrCtlDefs::ECapabilityLoadHttpFw; TRect rect(Position(), Size()); iBrCtlInterface = CreateBrowserControlL( this, rect, iBrCtlCapabilities, iCommandBase, iBrCtlSampleAppSoftkeysObserver, iBrCtlSampleAppLinkResolver, iBrCtlSampleAppSpecialLoadObserver, iBrCtlSampleAppLayoutObserver iBrCtlSampleAppDialogsProvider); // These observers can be added and removed dynamically iBrCtlInterface-> AddLoadEventObserverL(iBrCtlSampleAppLoadEventObserver); iBrCtlInterface-> AddStateChangeObserverL(iBrCtlSampleAppStateChangeObserver); }
A host application can load content by calling any of the functions described
in the following table. These functions are all in the CBrCtlInterface
Function | Called by | Description |
LoadDataL | Host application | Passes a data buffer |
InitLoadDataL | Host application | Passes data incrementally. Additional steps are required to pass data incrementally See section 4. |
LoadfileL | Host application | Passes an RFile handle to an already open file.An |
LoadFileL | Host application | Passes a qualified file name. Example: |
LoadUrlL | Host application | Passes an HTTP or file URL. Passes a fully qualified file name. Example: |
The following example shows how to download a Web page with a specified
URL using the LoadUrlL
// ---------------------------------------------------- // CBrCtlSampleAppContainer::LoadingContentFromUrlL() // ---------------------------------------------------- // void CBrCtlSampleAppContainer::LoadingContentFromUrlL() { _LIT(Kurl, “”); iBrCtlInterface->LoadL(KUrl); }
The following example shows how to load content from a file using an RFile
// ---------------------------------------------------- // CBrCtlSampleAppContainer::LoadingContentWithFileHandleL() // ---------------------------------------------------- // void CBrCtlSampleAppContainer::LoadingContentWithFileHandleL() { _LIT(KUrl, "c:\\BrCtlSampleApp\\sample3.htm"); RFs rfs; RFile file; User::LeaveIfError(rfs.Connect()); CleanupClosePushL(rfs); User::LeaveIfError(file.Open(rfs, KUrl(), EFileShareReadersOnly)); CleanupClosePushL(file); iBrCtlInterface->LoadFileL(file); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // file, rfs }
The following example shows how to load content from a buffer:
// ---------------------------------------------------- // CBrCtlSampleAppContainer::LoadingContentWithBufferL() // ---------------------------------------------------- // void CBrCtlSampleAppContainer::LoadingContentWithBufferL() { _LIT(KUrl, "c:\\BrCtlSampleApp\\sample4.htm"); _LIT8(KDataType, "text/html"); HBufC8* data = ReadFileLC(KUrl); TDataType dataType(KDataType()); TUid uid; uid.iUid = KCharacterSetIdentifierIso88591; iBrCtlInterface->LoadDataL(KUrl, *data, dataType, uid); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // data }
The host application can pass content to the Browser Control in small chunks, if desired. The Browser Control displays this content incrementally.
To pass content from the host application to the Browser Control incrementally, follow these steps:
class and implement
the CancelLoad
function to stop the load operation.InitLoadDataL
function of the CBrCtlInterface
to request the Browser Control to display content incrementally.HandleNextDataChunk
function of the MBrCtlDataLoadConsumer
to pass the data chunks to the Browser Control.HandleLoadComplete
function when the data chunk
has finished loading.HandleError
function.The following table lists the functions that provide the Browser Control with the ability to display content incrementally.
Function | Called by | Description |
CancelLoad | Browser Control | Requests the host application to stop loading data. |
HandleError | Host application | Informs the Browser Control that an error occurred. |
HandleLoadComplete | Host application | Informs the Browser Control that the data has finished loading. |
HandleNextDataChunk | Host application | Passes the next chunk of data to the Browser Control. |
InitDataLoadL | Host application | Requests the Browser Control to display content incrementally. This
function creates the DataLoadConsumer . |
The following example illustrates how to load content in small chunks:
To pass content from the host application to the Browser Control incrementally,
inherit from the MBrCtlDataLoadSupplier
class CBrCtlSampleAppContainer : public CCoeControl, MCoeControlObserver, MBrCtlDataLoadSupplier { . . . }
Implement the CancelLoad
function to stop the load operation.
/ ---------------------------------------------------- // CBrCtlSampleAppContainer::CancelLoad() // ---------------------------------------------------- // void CBrCtlSampleAppContainer::CancelLoad() { iCancelInitDataLoad = ETrue; }
Call the InitLoadDataL
function of the CBrCtlInterface
to request the Browser Control to display the content incrementally.
// ---------------------------------------------------- // CBrCtlSampleAppContainer::IncrementalLoadingL() // ---------------------------------------------------- // void CBrCtlSampleAppContainer::IncrementalLoadingL() { _LIT(KUrl, "c:\\BrCtlSampleApp\\sample5.htm"); HBufC8* data = ReadFileLC(KUrl); _LIT8(KDataType, "text/html"); TDataType dataType(KDataType()); MBrCtlDataLoadConsumer* brCtlDataLoadConsumer = NULL; TUid uid; uid.iUid = KCharacterSetIdentifierIso88591; // Call the InitLoadDataL function of the // CBrCtlInterface // class to request the Browser Control to display the // content incrementally. iBrCtlInterface->InitLoadDataL(KUrl, dataType, uid, data->Length(), this, &brCtlDataLoadConsumer); // Call the HandleNextDataChunk function to pass the // data chunks to the Browser Control. if (brCtlDataLoadConsumer) { brCtlDataLoadConsumer->HandleNextDataChunk(*data); // Call the HandleLoadComplete function when the // data chunk has finished loading. if (!iCancelInitDataLoad) { brCtlDataLoadConsumer->HandleLoadComplete(); } } iCancelInitDataLoad = EFalse; CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // data }
The host application can display a progress bar as the Browser Control loads content. This gives the user a visual indication that the page is loading.
To receive load progress events, follow these steps:
This interface is used to receive load progress events.HandleBrowserLoadEventL
function to update
the progress bar display as the loading operation progresses.AddLoadEventObserverL
function on the Browser
Control interface to register the object with the Browser Control.RemoveLoadEventObserver
function on the Browser
Control interface before deleting the Browser Control.The following functions handle load progress events:
Function | Called by | Description |
AddLoadEventObserverL | Host application | Requests the Browser Control to register for load events. |
HandleBrowserLoadEventL | Browser Control | Notifies the host application of a load event. |
RemoveLoadEventObserver | Host application | Requests the Browser Control to unregister for load events. |
The following example illustrates how to receive load progress events in order to create a progress bar. If a progress bar is desired, the host application must create and display it using the load progress information received from the Browser Control.
Create an object that inherits from the MBrCtlLoadEventObserver
which is used to receive load progress events.
class CBrCtlSampleAppLoadEventObserver : public CBase, public MBrCtlLoadEventObserver { . . . }
Implement the HandleBrowserLoadEventL
function to update
the progress bar display as the loading operation progresses.
// --------------------------------------------------------- // CBrCtlSampleAppLoadEventObserver::HandleBrowserLoadEventL // --------------------------------------------------------- // void CBrCtlSampleAppLoadEventObserver::HandleBrowserLoadEventL (TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlLoadEvent aLoadEvent, TUint aSize, TUint16 aTransactionId) { // Here we are creating a text string to be displayed on // the screen. If you were implementing this method, // you would most likely be displaying a // progress bar. TBuf16<256> tgt; _LIT(KHandleBrowserLoadEvent, "Load event = %d, size = %d, trId = %d"); tgt.AppendFormat(KHandleBrowserLoadEvent, aLoadEvent, aSize, aTransactionId); iContainer->SetText(tgt); iContainer->DrawNow(); }
Call the AddLoadEventObserverL
function on the Browser
Control interface to register the object with the Browser Control.
iBrCtlInterface-> AddLoadEventObserverL(iBrCtlSampleAppLoadEventObserver);
Special load requests consist of the following:
In these cases, the host application can handle the requests instead of the Browser Control.
The following functions of the BrCtlSpecialLoadObserver
handle special load events.
Function | Called by | Description |
HandleDownloadL | Browser Control | Requests the host application to handle a download. The host application
should call the Download Manager to handle non-HTML content. Only In the case of a The
host application should look for the parameter |
HandleRequestL | Browser Control | Checks the scheme of a URL to determine whether or not the Browser
Control supports it. If the Browser Control does not support it, then the host application should pass the content to an application that does support that scheme. |
NetworkConnectionNeededL | Browser Control | Requests a new network connection. The Browser Control calls this function for each HTTP(S) load request. It is up to the host application to ensure that the network connection is available. |
The following example handles a request to load non-HTML content.
The following code calls the LoadURL
function on the Browser
Control interface with a URL that contains non-HTML content.
// ---------------------------------------------------- // CBrCtlSampleAppContainer::SpecialLoadRequestsL() // ---------------------------------------------------- // void CBrCtlSampleAppContainer::SpecialLoadRequestsL() { _LIT(KUrl, "file://BrCtlSampleApp/sample6.htm"); iBrCtlInterface->LoadUrlL( KUrl ); }
Inherit from the MBrCtlSpecialLoadObserver
interface if
the host application requires control over network connections or needs to
handle non-markup content or non-HTTP(S) requests.
class CBrCtlSampleAppSpecialLoadObserver : public CBase, public MBrCtlSpecialLoadObserver { . . . }
The host application implements the HandleDownloadL
to handle non-HTML content.
// --------------------------------------------------------- // CBrCtlSampleAppSpecialLoadObserver::HandleDownloadL // --------------------------------------------------------- // TBool CBrCtlSampleAppSpecialLoadObserver::HandleDownloadL (RArray<TUint>* aTypeArray, CDesCArrayFlat* aDesArray) { TInt i = 0; TInt count = aTypeArray->Count(); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if ((*aTypeArray)[i] == EParamLocalFileName && aDesArray[i].Length() > 0) { TInt j = 0; for (j = 0; j < count; j++) { if ((*aTypeArray)[j] == EParamReceivedContentType) { HBufC8* dataType8 = HBufC8::NewLC((*aDesArray)[j].Length()); dataType8->Des().Copy((*aDesArray)[j]); TDataType dataType(*dataType8); iHandler->OpenFileEmbeddedL((*aDesArray)[i], dataType); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); break; } } break; } } return EFalse; }
The Browser Control provides dialogs to communicate with the user of the
host application. You can customize these dialogs by implementing the MBrCtlDialogsProvider
The following functions provide dialogs used by the Browser Control, such as authentication requests, selection lists, download confirmations, and error notifications. The Browser Control implements this interface for the default dialogs. If you wish to customize the dialogs, the host application must implement this interface.
Function | Called by | Description |
CancelAll | Browser Control | Cancels the dialog displayed. |
DialogAlertL | Browser Control | Displays a message to the user until the user presses |
DialogConfirmL | Browser Control | Displays a confirmation message to the user, such as: Are you
sure you want to do this? |
DialogDisplayPageImagesL | Browser Control | Displays the images contained in the current page. |
DialogDownloadObjectL | Browser Control | Displays information about the Netscape plug-in object and requests confirmation before downloading the object. |
DialogFileSelectLC | Browser Control | Browses through your file system and selects a file. |
DialogFindL | Browser Control | Displays a dialog for searching on a page. |
DialogNoteL | Browser Control | Displays a message to the user that disappears after a certain time. |
DialogNotifyErrorL | Browser Control | Notifies the user of an error encountered during a download. |
DialogNotifyHttpErrorL | Browser Control | Notifies the user of an error from the HTTP server during a download. |
DialogPromptLC | Browser Control | Asks the user a question while the user is inputting data. |
DialogSelectOptionL | Browser Control | Displays a check box, radio button, or menu of options. |
DialogUserAuthenticationLC | Browser Control | Returns the user name and password if an option requiring user authentication is selected. |
The following example illustrates how to customize the alert dialog.
Create an object that inherits from the MBrCtlDialogsProvider
class CBrCtlSampleAppDialogsProvider : public CBase, public MBrCtlDialogsProvider { . . . }
// ------------------------------------------------------- // CBrCtlSampleAppDialogsProvider:: DialogAlertL // ------------------------------------------------------- // void CBrCtlSampleAppDialogsProvider::DialogAlertL(const TDesC& /*aTitle*/, const TDesC& /*aMessage*/) { _LIT(KTitle,""); _LIT(KPrompt, "Enter URL"); _LIT(KDefText, "http://"); HBufC* returnedInput = NULL; TBool ret; // defInput is not modified by the dialog. TBuf<256>defInput = ( (TUint16*) KDefText().Ptr()); CBrCtlSampleAppQueryDialog* dialog = new (ELeave) CBrCtlSampleAppQueryDialog( defInput, returnedInput ); CleanupStack::PushL(dialog); dialog->PrepareLC( R_DATA_QUERY_WITH_HEADING ); dialog->SetHeaderTextL( KTitle ); dialog->SetPromptL( KPrompt ); CleanupStack::Pop(); // dialog ret = dialog->RunLD(); if (ret) { iContainer->BrCtlInterface()->LoadUrlL ( *returnedInput ); delete returnedInput; } }
The host application can change the labels of the softkeys as a response to softkey events received from the Browser Control. The Browser Control transmits one or more softkey events under the following conditions:
To specify the softkeys, follow these steps:
function to change the softkeysFocusedElementType
to learn what the focused element is. All events are issued the EChangeReasonIdle
code.The following function handles requests to change the softkeys.
Function | Description |
UpdateSoftkeyL | Requests the host application to change a softkey. |
The following sample code illustrates how to change the labels of the softkeys in response to softkey events received from the Browser Control.
Create an object that inherits from the MBrCtlSoftkeysObserver
class CBrCtlSampleAppSoftkeysObserver : public CBase, public MBrCtlSoftkeysObserver { . . . }
Implement the UpdateSoftkeyL
function to change the softkeys:
/ --------------------------------------------------------- // CBrCtlSampleAppSoftkeysObserver::UpdateSoftkeyL // --------------------------------------------------------- // void CBrCtlSampleAppSoftkeysObserver::UpdateSoftkeyL (BrCtlKeySoftkey /*aKeySoftkey*/, const TDesC& /*aLabel*/, TUint32 /*aCommandId*/, TBrCtlSoftkeyChangeReason /*aBrCtlSoftkeyChangeReason*/) { CBrCtlInterface* brCtl = iContainer->BrCtlInterface(); TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlElementType type = brCtl-> FocusedElementType(); CEikButtonGroupContainer* current = CEikButtonGroupContainer::Current(); switch (type) { case TBrCtlDefs::EElementActivatedInputBox: current->SetCommandSetL(R_INPUT_ELEMENT_BUTTONS ); break; default: current->SetCommandSetL( R_BROWSER_DEFAULT_BUTTONS); break; } current->DrawNow(); }
This section explains how to resolve two different types of links:
It also describes the functions called by the host application after the link is resolved, or if an error occurs.
If the content of an embedded link is to be loaded from the private store
of a host application, such as an email application, then the developer should
implement the MBrCtlLinkResolver
class. This interface provides
a callback mechanism to the host application to transmit the content of an
embedded link or the content of a user-initiated load request to the Browser
To enable this callback mechanism, the host application must set the ECapabilityClientResolveEmbeddedURL
or the ECapabilityClientNotifyURL
If the host application is unable to resolve the embedded link, then the Browser Control tries to handle the request through the HTTP framework.
The following functions of the MBrCtlLinkResolver
provide the content of an embedded link.
Function | Description |
CancelAll | Cancels all outstanding link resolution operations. |
ResolveEmbeddedLinkL | Retrieves the content of an embedded link. For example, the Browser Control calls this function to display images embedded within an email message. |
The following examples show how to resolve an embedded link. The ResolveEmbeddedLinkL
retrieves the content of embedded objects. The ResolveLinkL
loads new content identified by a link.
Create an object that inherits from the MBrCtlLinkResolver
class CBrCtlSampleAppLinkResolver : public CBase, public MBrCtlLinkResolver { . . . }
Implement the ResolveEmbeddedLinkL
function to retrieve
an image embedded within an HTML-formatted email.
// --------------------------------------------------------- // CBrCtlSampleAppLinkResolver::ResolveEmbeddedLinkL // --------------------------------------------------------- // TBool CBrCtlSampleAppLinkResolver::ResolveEmbeddedLinkL (const TDesC& aEmbeddedUrl, const TDesC& /*aCurrentUrl*/, TBrCtlLoadContentType /*aLoadContentType*/, MBrCtlLinkContent& aEmbeddedLinkContent) { if (IsFileScheme(aEmbeddedUrl)) { GetFileNameL(aEmbeddedUrl); HBufC8* buf = ReadFileLC(*iFileName); HBufC* contentType = NULL; TPtrC p(NULL, 0); contentType = RecognizeLC(*iFileName, *buf); aEmbeddedLinkContent.HandleResolveComplete(*contentType, p,buf); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // contentType, buf return ETrue; } return EFalse; }
Implement the ResolveLinkL
function to load new content
identified by a hyperlink within an HTML-formatted email.
// --------------------------------------------------------- // CBrCtlSampleAppLinkResolver::ResolveLinkL // --------------------------------------------------------- // TBool CBrCtlSampleAppLinkResolver::ResolveLinkL (const TDesC& aUrl, const TDesC& /*aCurrentUrl*/, MBrCtlLinkContent& aBrCtlLinkContent) { if (IsFileScheme(aUrl)) { GetFileNameL(aUrl); HBufC8* buf = ReadFileLC(*iFileName); HBufC* contentType = NULL; TPtrC p(NULL, 0); contentType = RecognizeLC(*iFileName, *buf); aBrCtlLinkContent.HandleResolveComplete(*contentType, p, buf); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // contentType, buf return ETrue; } return EFalse; }
If the host application wishes to handle events when the user clicks on
a link, it should implement the MBrCtlLinkResolver
This interface provides a callback mechanism to the host application to handle
the events by doing one of the following:
To enable this callback mechanism, the host application must set the ECapabilityClientNorifyURL
If the host application is unable to resolve the user-initiated load request, then the Browser Control tries to handle the request through the HTTP framework.
The following functions of the MBrCtlLinkResolver
class provide the content of a load request that was initiated by the user.
Function | Description |
CancelAll | Cancels all outstanding link resolution operations. |
ResolveLinkL | Loads new content from a URL at the user's request. For example, the Browser Control calls this function when the user clicks on a hyperlink within an email message. |
The Browser Control implements this interface after a link is resolved or an error occurs. The following table lists the functions called by the host application after a link is resolved or after an error occurs in resolving the link.
Function | Description |
HandleResolveComplete | Called by the host application when the content of a link has finished loading. |
HandleResloveError | Called by the host application if an error occurred while downloading the content of a link. |
To customize a scroll bar based upon one or more layout (scrolling) events, follow these steps:
interface.This enables the host application to display and update the scroll bars.
If you wish to have no scroll bars at all, follow Step 1 but do not implement Step 2.
The following functions of the MBrCtlLayoutObserver
receive scrolling events when the host application draws the scrollbar.
Function | Description |
NotifyLayoutChange | Determines whether the page is to be read from right-to-left or from left-to-right. |
UpdateBrowserHScrollBarL | Updates the position of the horizontal scrollbar. |
UpdateBrowserVScrollBarL | Updates the position of the vertical scrollbar. |
UpdateTitleL | Updates the page title in the History view. |
The following sample code illustrates how to customize a scroll bar.
Create an object that inherits from the MBrCtlLayoutObserver
class CBrCtlSampleAppLayoutObserver : public CBase, public MBrCtlLayoutObserver { . . . }
Implement the UpdateBrowserHScrollBarL
function to update
the position of the horizontal scroll bar. Implement the UpdateBrowserVScrollBarL
update the position of the vertical scroll bar.
/ --------------------------------------------------------- // CBrCtlSampleAppObserver::UpdateBrowserVScrollBarL // --------------------------------------------------------- // void CBrCtlSampleAppLayoutObserver::UpdateBrowserVScrollBarL (TInt aDocumentHeight, TInt aDisplayHeight, TInt aDisplayPosY ) { // Here we are creating a text string that will be // displayed on the screen // But if you were implementing this method, you most // likely would be implementing // your own scroll bars here. TBuf16<256> tgt; TPoint point(0, 100); _LIT(KUpdateScrollbar, "Doc Height=%d, Dis Height=%d, Dis Pos=%d"); tgt.AppendFormat(KUpdateScrollbar, aDocumentHeight, aDisplayHeight, aDisplayPosY); iContainer->SetPoint(point); iContainer->SetText(tgt); iContainer->DrawNow(); } // --------------------------------------------------------- // CBrCtlSampleAppObserver::UpdateBrowserHScrollBarL // --------------------------------------------------------- // void CBrCtlSampleAppLayoutObserver::UpdateBrowserHScrollBarL (TInt aDocumentWidth, TInt aDisplayWidth, TInt aDisplayPosX ) { // Here we are creating a text string that will be // displayed on the screen // But if you were implementing this method, you most // likely would be implementing // your own scroll bars here. TBuf16<256> tgt; TPoint point(0, 130); _LIT(KUpdateScrollbar, "Doc Width=%d, Dis Width=%d, Dis Pos=%d"); tgt.AppendFormat(KUpdateScrollbar, aDocumentWidth, aDisplayWidth, aDisplayPosX); iContainer->SetPoint(point); iContainer->SetText(tgt); iContainer->DrawNow(); } // --------------------------------------------------------- // CBrCtlSampleAppObserver::NotifyLayoutChange // --------------------------------------------------------- // void CBrCtlSampleAppLayoutObserver::NotifyLayoutChange ( TBrCtlLayout aNewLayout ) { TBuf16<256> tgt; TPoint point(0, 120); _LIT(KUpdateLayout, "New layout is %d"); tgt.AppendFormat(KUpdateLayout, aNewLayout); iContainer->SetPoint(point); iContainer->SetText(tgt); iContainer->DrawNow(); }
A change-of-state event indicates that the state of the Browser has changed. For example, the Browser may switch to or from the Image Map view.
To receive change-of-state events, inherit from the MBrCtlStateChangeObserver
and implement the StateChanged
The following function indicates that the Browser has changed its state.
Function | Description |
StateChanged | Called by the Browser when its state has changed. The only state change currently supported is the change to and from the Image Map view. |
The following example illustrates how to receive an event that indicates that the state of the Browser has changed.
Create an object that inherits from the MBrCtlStateChangeObserver
// The StateChangeObserver class inherits from the // MBrCtlStateChangeObserver interface class CBrCtlSampleAppStateChangeObserver : public CBase, public MBrCtlStateChangeObserver { . . . }
The Browser calls the StateChanged
function when its state
changes to and from the Image Map view.
// --------------------------------------------------------- // CBrCtlSampleAppStateChangeObserver::StateChanged // --------------------------------------------------------- // void CBrCtlSampleAppStateChangeObserver::StateChanged(TBrCtlDefs:: TBrCtlState aState, TInt aValue) { // Here we are creating a string to be displayed on the // screen, but you would implement this method to have // code that would be executed when the observer // receives state changed events. TBuf16<256> tgt; TPoint point(0, 120); _LIT(KHandleBrowserStateChange, "State Change event = %d, value = %d"); tgt.AppendFormat(KHandleBrowserStateChange, aState, aValue); iContainer->SetPoint(point); iContainer->SetText(tgt); iContainer->DrawNow(); }
Web feeds provide Web content or summaries of Web content, such as news headlines or the latest blog posting, together with links to the full content. The user can subscribe to XML Web feeds in Really Simple Syndication (RSS) or Atom format. These feeds can be updated and accessed similarly to bookmarks. To create a menu that lists up to 10 Web feed subscription items, follow these steps:
method in the BrCtlInterface.h
method returns an array of theBrCtlSubscribeTo
class, which
is in the BrCtlInterface.h
file. Each array element contains
a URL and associated title and command ID.
The following function builds a Subscribe To
menu of URLs
and their associated page titles.
Function | Description |
SubscribeToMenuItemsL | Returns an array of URLs to feed, and a title and menu command ID to associate with each URL. |
The following example illustrates how to build a Subscribe To menu:
The Browser Control API uses standard Symbian error reporting mechanisms. It does not define any error codes of its own.
The RAM consumption of the Browser Control is directly related to the size of the content being rendered. For example, loading embedded images and objects increases RAM consumption considerably.
The Browser Control API does not explicitly support any extensions.