Calendar Interim Utils2 API: Using the Calendar Interim Utils2 API

If you intend to use the non-static methods of this API, it is recommended for performance reasons, to allocate a single instance of the CCalenInterimUtils2 object for the lifetime of a process. The GlobalUidL() and MRViewersEnabledL() methods buffer data that is non-trivial to retrieve, so it is worth keeping an instance of the CCalenInterimUtils2 object between calls. If you intend to use only the static methods, then it is not really worth keeping an instance of the CCalenInterimUtils2 object in memory.

Allocating a new global UID for Calendar entry

The following code snippet demonstrates how to allocate a new global UID and return the ownership to the caller.

#include <CalEntry.h> #include <CalenInterimUtils2.h> // Instantiate utils // CCalenInterimUtils2* utils = CCalenInterimUtils2::NewL(); CleanupStack::PushL( utils ); // Generate a new UID // HBufC8* uid = utils->GlobalUidL(); CleanupStack::PushL( uid ); // Create a new Calendar entry using the UID // CCalEntry* entry = CCalEntry::NewL( CCalEntry::EAppt, uid, CCalEntry::EMethodNone, 0); CleanupStack::Pop( uid ); CleanupStack::PushL( entry ); // Set other property ... // Clean up temporary variables // CleanupStack::Pop( entry ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( utils );

Checking whether the Meeting Request Viewer functionality is enabled and available for use

The following code snippet demonstrates how to check to see if the Meeting Request Viewer functionality is enabled and available for use.

#include <CalenInterimUtils2.h>

// Instantiate utils


CCalenInterimUtils2* utils = CCalenInterimUtils2::NewL();

// Check the Meeting Request Viewer status


TBool enabled = utils->MRViewersEnabledL();

// Clean up temporary variables 


delete utils; 

utils = NULL; 

Populating empty fields of a child entry with data from the parent entry

The following code snippet demonstrates how to populate empty fields of a child entry with data from the parent entry.

#include <CalEntry.h> #include <CalenInterimUtils2.h> // Instantiate utils // CCalenInterimUtils2* utils = CCalenInterimUtils2::NewL(); CleanupStack::PushL( utils ); // Get the parent Calendar entry // CCalEntry* parent = ...; CleanupStack::PushL(parent); // Create child Calendar entry // CCalEntry* child = CCalEntry::NewL( parent->EntryTypeL(), parent->UidL().AllocL(), parent->MethodL(), parent->SequenceNumberL(), parent->StartTimeL(), CalCommon::EThisOnly ); CleanupStack::PushL( child ); // Populate empty fields of child entity // utils->PopulateChildFromParentL( *child, *parent); // StartAndEndTime should be set separately // child->SetStartAndEndTimeL( parent->StartTimeL(), parent->EndTimeL() ); // Clean up temporary variables // CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( child ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( parent ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( utils );

Storing a Calendar entry

The following code snippet demonstrates how to store the Calendar entry to the Calendar database. The use of this function should be favoured over the direct use of the CCalEntryView::StoreL function. It wraps around CCalEntryView::StoreL or CCalEntryView::UpdateL and makes the appropriate call to either of those methods, depending on several factors, such as whether the entry is a child or parent, and whether it has exceptions or not. This function also handles preserving child entries which would be lost by a direct call to CCalEntryView::StoreL.

#include <CalEntry.h> #include <CalEntryView.h> #include <CalSession.h> #include <CalenInterimUtils2.h> // Instantiate CCalSession // CCalSession* calSession = ...; CleanupStack::PushL( calSession ); // Instantiate CCalEntryView // CCalEntryView* entryView = CCalEntryView::NewL( *calSession, *this ); CleanupStack::PushL( entryView ); // Instantiate utils // CCalenInterimUtils2* utils = CCalenInterimUtils2::NewL(); CleanupStack::PushL( utils ); // Create Calendar entry // CCalEntry* entry = ...; CleanupStack::PushL( entry ); // Store the Calendar entry to repository // iUtils->StoreL( *entryView, *entry ); // Clean up temporary variables // CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( entry ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( utils ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( entryView ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( calSession );

Checking whether the given entry has properties consistent with a meeting request

The following code snippet demonstrates how to check if the given entry has properties consistent with a meeting request.

#include <CalenInterimUtils2.h> // Instantiate utils // CCalenInterimUtils2* utils = CCalenInterimUtils2::NewL(); CleanupStack::PushL( utils ); // Create Calendar entry // CCalEntry* entry = ...; CleanupStack::PushL( entry ); // Check if the entry is a meeting request or not // TBool isMeetingRequest = utils->IsMeetingRequestL( *entry ); // Clean up temporary variables // CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( entry ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( utils );

Error handling

All methods leave in case of an error situation. Normal Symbian error handling practises should be used, e.g. using cleanup stack and trap harness.

Extensions to the API

The Calendar Interim Utils2 API is a utility class and does not explicitly support any kinds of extensions to it.

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