Content Listing Framework API: Using the Content Listing Framework API

General idea of Content Listing Framework API usage is described here. An application developer can use Content Listing Framework API according to these steps. More detailed real world programming examples of the API can be found from the sample application – CLF Example – source code.

  1. Create a Content Listing Operation Observer. The Operation Observer class (CMyOperationObserver) is derived from the MCLFOperationObserver:
    CMyOperationObserver* observer = CMyOperationObserver::NewLC();
  2. Create a Content Listing Engine using its factory method:
    MCLFContentListingEngine* engine = 
  3. Create a List Model using the engine instance:
    MCLFItemListModel* model = engine->CreateListModelLC( *observer );
  4. Set wanted media types to the List Model. For example, all music files are requested this way:
    RArrayarray;<TCLFMediaType> array;
    CleanupClosePushL( array );
    array.AppendL( ECLFMediaTypeMusic );
    model->SetWantedMediaTypesL( array.Array() );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &array )
  5. Refresh the model to get a list of requested media files. The refresh operation is asynchronous:
  6. Operation Observer gets notified when the asynchronous refresh operation has completed. After that the item information can be accessed:
    TInt count( model->ItemCount() );
    for( Tint i( 0 ); i < count; ++i )
        const MCLFItem& myItem = model->Item( i );
        TPtrC songName;
        TInt errorSong( myItem.GetField( ECLFFieldIdSongName, 
                                         songName ) );
        TPtrC songArtist;
        TInt errorArtist( myItem.GetField( ECLFFieldIdArtist, 
                                           songArtist ) );
        // Do something with song and artist names

Initializing List Model

When using Content Listing Framework, first step is to create a Content Listing Engine by using ContentListingFactory::NewContentListingEngineLC. At least one List Model must be created to list media content. The creation is done by CreateListModelLC method of Content Listing Engine. For example, if an application lists music files and images it would be a good idea to create separate list models for music files and images. Media types that will be requested to the List Model are defined by wanted media types array and/or wanted mime types array.

Below is an example of initialization process that must be done before using CLF. After these steps, content listing operations can be used.

// CMyOperationObserver is derived from MCLFOperationObserver

CMyOperationObserver* observer = CMyOperationObserver::NewLC();

MCLFContentListingEngine* engine = 


MCLFItemListModel* model = engine->CreateListModelLC( *observer );

Manipulating the List Model


Sorting styles provide basic sorting functionality for the List Model. Sorting style can be created by using the Content Listing Factory. Parameters for sorting are added to the created sorting style with MCLFSortingStyle::AddFieldL method. For example, if you add two fields for sorting, first added field will be used to sort the item. If the item does not contain information for this first field, second field will be used to sort the item. After adding sorting parameter fields, SetSortingDataType method is used to define format of the sorting parameters.

Sort ordering and undefined items position is set similarly by using corresponding methods of the sorting style object. Finally, this primary sorting style is set to the List Model by using SetSortingStyle method of the List Model object.

MCLFSortingStyle* sortingStyle = 


sortingStyle->AddFieldL( ECLFFieldIdArtist );

sortingStyle->AddFieldL( ECLFFieldIdAlbum );

sortingStyle->SetSortingDataType( ECLFItemDataTypeDesC );

sortingStyle->SetOrdering( ECLFOrderingAscending );


ECLFSortingStyleUndefinedEnd );

model->SetSortingStyle( sortingStyle );

Secondary sorting style is used to sort items that could not be sorted by the primary sorting style. In other words, items that do not have the field defined by primary or any previous secondary sorting style, the items are sorted using the next secondary sorting style. When a secondary sorting style is appended, it becomes the least significant sorting style until a new one is added after it. Items with undefined fields are placed before or after items with defined fields, depending on the undefined field position setting in MCLFSortingStyle.

Secondary sorting styles are created similarly as the primary sorting style. After creating a secondary sorting style, it is set to the List Model by using AppendSecondarySortingStyleL method of the List Model object and the model needs to be refreshed.

MCLFSortingStyle* secSortingStyle = 


secSortingStyle->AddFieldL( ECLFFieldIdFileName );

model->AppendSecondarySortingStyleL( *secSortingStyle );

// The RefreshL-method is synchronous when used with a parameter.

// In this case only the model’s sorting is refreshed

model->RefreshL( ECLFRefreshSorting );

It is also possible to create custom sorters. A custom sorter is a class derived from MCLFCustomSorter. The custom sorter class contains SortItemsL method (derived from the base class) that receives RPointerArray of MCLFItems as a parameter. The array contains all items in the List Model. Now it is possible for the developer to create sorting functionality to sort the array. For example, the array can be randomized or it can be sorted by item IDs etc. Note that ownership of sorting styles is not transferred to Content Listing Framework.

Post Filtering

Post filter is a tool for filtering List Model. Post filter can, for example, remove all other items except music files of some specific artist. Post filter is created by deriving a class from the MCLFPostFilter. Post filter class contains FilterItemsL method (derived from the base class) that receives a TArray of MCLFItem pointers and an RPointerArray of MCLFItems.

The TArray is so called source list of items that contains all items in the List Model. Now the TArray can be checked item by item and all wanted ones are added to the RPointerArray. The RPointerArray is so called destination array. After the filtering process, the List Model contains only items that were added to the RPointerArray.


Grouping functionality allows List Model to be grouped by some parameter. For example, a List Model of music files can be grouped by album name and the model will contain name of each album after the grouping. Grouping is activated by calling SetGroupingStyle method of the List Model. Grouping parameter – like grouping by albums – is given as a parameter.

Custom groupers are grouping tools created by a developer. They can group items by any criteria. Custom grouper class is derived from MCLFCustomGrouper. The class contains GroupItemsL method (derived from the base class) that will be called when the grouping process is executed. The method receives a TArray of MCLFItem pointers as a source array and an RPointerArray of MCLFItems as a grouped array.

Custom grouping is done as follows. The source array is checked item by item. When new group is found, new MCLFModifiableItem is created and its AddFieldL method is used to give the group a name. For example, if the custom grouping is done for music files by artist name, AddFieldL method is given ECLFFieldIdArtist and name of the artist as parameters. Note that ownership of these modifiable items is not transferred to the Content Listing Framework!

After creating a custom grouper, it is added to the List Model by using SetCustomGrouper method of the List Model object.

Refreshing the List Model

Refreshing of the List Model is needed when modification tools have been activated to the model or some items have changed. The refresh operation will execute these modifications and update the model.

MCLFItemListModel::RefreshL without parameters is the only non-blocking method in the Content Listing Framework API. RefreshL method should only be used without parameters when it is absolutely necessary. Situation to use this so called heavy refresh would be, for example, an application startup. At that time, the List Model is refreshed for the first time and all items must be retrieved from the server. Completion of this non-blocking refresh can be monitored with the Operation Observer; the observer will receive an operation event when the refresh operation is finished.

It is recommended to use the RefreshL method with parameters (blocking method) when it is not required to refresh the whole List Model from the server. Parameters of RefreshL method can also be combined. For example, function call RefreshL( ECLFRefreshSorting | ECLFRefreshPostFilter ) will refresh the model by using sorter and post filter that are assigned to the List Model. Now the items are not retrieved from the server, the model is only re-arranged. Blocking version of RefreshL method does not generate operation events for Operation Observer.

Observer Operations

Observers in Content Listing Framework are used to observer operation completions and item changes.

Operation Observer

Operation Observer is used to monitor the completion of non-blocking RefreshL function call. An Operation Observer class is derived from the MCLFOperationObserver. The class will contain HandleOperationEventL method (derived from the base class) and it is called by Content Listing Framework when the operation has completed or model content is changed. Type of the operation event is delivered as parameters. ECLFRefreshComplete type is used when asynchronous refresh operation is completed and ECLFModelOutdated type is used when content of the model is changed and client should refresh model. The Operation Observer object is set to the List Model when the List Model object is constructed.

Changed Item Observer

Changed Item Observer monitors items in the file system and reports if old items are changed or new items are added. Changed Item Observer is similar to Operation Observer. A Changed Item Observer class is derived from the MCLFChangedItemObserver and it contains HandleItemChangeL method (derived from the base class) and it is called by Content Listing Framework when there are changed or new items. After you have renamed or deleted items, the ContentListingEngine::UpdateItemsL method should be called to update the item listing. Note that unnecessary UpdateItemsL calls should be avoided because it causes load for the system. Note that usually client does not need use this interface, because if the client has CLF model and the model content is changed, the client gets notification about changed items from the MCLFOperationObserver::HandleOperationEventL method. See Section 3.4.1 for more information.

Process Observer

Process Observer can be used to monitor starting and stopping of CLF server update processes. A Process Observer is derived from the MCLFProcessObserver and it contains HandleCLFProcessEventL method (derived from the base class) and it is called by the framework when update process starts and when it stops. Process Observer is activated to Content Listing Engine by calling MCLFContentListingEngine::AddCLFProcessObserverL and removed by calling RemoveCLFProcessObserver method. Note that the client does not need to use this interface in normal use and this interface should be used only when the client should avoid performing an operation when CLF server updates content.

Error handling

Content Listing Framework API uses standard Symbian error reporting mechanism. If an unrecoverable error occurs, panics are used. Leaves and system wide error codes as function return values are used if the error is recoverable. A client application can handle these errors similarly as a normal Symbian platform application.

Common mistakes

There are some common mistakes that developer can do when using the Content Listing Framework.

Modification tools of List Model

One mistake is to delete modification tool – like sorting style, post filter, custom grouper etc. – before setting it to NULL to the List Model. For example, a sorting style is activated, used and deleted. If the model is now refreshed for some reason, null pointer panic will be raised if MCLFItemListModel::SetSortingStyle(NULL) was not called when the sorting style object was deleted.

Custom grouper

Another common mistake is to leave memory leaks to a custom grouper. When creating custom grouper, MCLFModifiableItem pointer must be created for each group. Despite the modifiable item is added to the grouped items array, ownership of the pointer is not transferred, so you must take care of the object deletion. You can not delete the modifiable item right after adding it to the grouped items array. So, a good way to do the trick is to create a member RPointerArray containing these same modifiable items. Now, these items can be deleted with RPointerArray::ResetAndDestroy() in destructor of the custom grouper class when the items are no longer needed.

Secondary sorting style

Use of secondary sorting style can also leave a memory leak to the client application. Sorting style is created and added to the model as secondary sorting style by calling AppendSecondarySortingStyleL method of the List Model object. However, ownership of secondary sorting style objects is not transferred to the framework. The secondary sorting style is also in an active state until the primary sorting style is set to NULL by calling SetSortingStyle(NULL) of the List Model object. In other words, to avoid null pointer panics, secondary sorting style objects should be deleted only after calling SetSortingStyle(NULL).

Memory Overhead

Memory consumption of Content Listing Framework is directly proportional to the number of items that are in the List Model.

Extensions to the API

The basic functionality for List Model modifications can be extended by customized tools. It is possible to create customized tools for sorting and grouping the item list in the model. Customized sorters can be implemented by creating a class and deriving it from the MCLFCustomSorter. Custom sorter can be activated by calling SetCustomSorter method of the List Model. Custom grouper is created similarly. A custom grouper class is derived from the MCLFCustomGrouper class and it is activated with SetCustomGrouper method of the List Model.

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