Flash Viewer Framework API: API description

Flash Viewer Framework API provides the ability to write lightweight stub applications for Symbian OS executing flash content. Flash Player Engine handles SWF format. The stub application is a specialized host application visible in Shell UI with its own icons and caption texts, uses the private SWF attached to the stub and has the assigned set of platform security capabilities. This will provide Flash content authors to give the application view to the users, e.g. a Flash content author can develop a Flash game and attach the stub application to this game.

This API is a Framework API provided by Flash Viewer Framework. It provides uniform UI options for executing flash content in S60 based phones.

This API is a method call invoking Flash Player engine. This uses application thread for rendering flash content. There are no extra threads spawned.

Use cases

The use case of Flash Viewer Framework API is to develop stub application for S60 based phones.

API class structure

This API provides single method CreateFlashDocumentL. This method needs the FlashUIConfig structure to be filled. The FlashUIConfig structure contains parameters to configure Flash Player Engine to stub application mode. The CreateFlashDocumentL method will leave if the Flash Lite library not installed in the device.

CreateFlashDocumentL method

RLibrary& aLibraryOutput variable to be passed to the method. When Flash Lite library is loaded it returns an instance of the library.
CEikApplication* aAppInput variable. Pointer to the application object needed to be passed.
const FlashUIConfig& aUIConfigFlashUIConfig structure to be filled and passed to this method. The FlashUIConfig structure contains configuration information for the stub application.
CApaDocument*The return value will be returned once successful creation of Flash Player. When error occurs this method will leave.

FlashUIConfig structure

TBool iIsMMIThis variable should be set to EFalse. If this variable is set as ETrue then MMI feature will be enabled for the stub application.
TBool iIsStubAppThis variable should be always set to ETrue. IF this variable is set to EFalse then the application is assumed to be the host application. Flash Viewer application, a host application is already available as part of the Flash Lite installation.
TFileName iContentFileName;Name of the flash SWF content. Flash contents with only .swf extension is supported.
TUint32 iContentChecksumChecksum of the flash content file for verification. If set to 0 then checksum will not be verified. CRC algorithm is used to verify checksum.
const TDesC8* iExtensionsThis variable is reserved for future. This variable value should be set to NULL.

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