Flash Viewer Framework API: Using Flash Viewer Framework API

This API is used to write stub applications for S60 based phones.

Stub application

The stub application is a specialized host application visible in Shell UI with its own icons and caption texts, uses the private SWF attached to the stub and has the assigned set of platform security capabilities. This will provide Flash content authors to give application view to the users. For example, a Flash content author can develop a Flash game and attach the stub application to the content.

Using FlashUIConfig structure to run Flash Lite application in stub mode

FlashUIConfig defined in flash_ui.h has to be used to configure the application into stub mode. The FlashUIConfig.iIsStubApp member variable has to be set to ETrue for the stub application.

 FlashUIConfig config;

 config.iIsMMI = EFalse;

 config.iIsStubApp = ETrue; //This should be ETrue for Stub


 config.iContentChecksum = KContentChecksum;

 config.iExtensions = NULL;

 config.iReserved1 = NULL; 

 config.iReserved2 = 0;

Passing SWF for stub application

FlashUIConfig defined in flash_ui.h has to be used to pass the SWF file to the stub application. This SWF has to be in private data caged area to protect from accidental deletion or replacing by malicious SWF content.

 const TUid KUidFlashStubApp = { 0x1027377B };

_LIT(KStubFlashContent, "\\Private\\1027377B \\stub.swf");

 const TUint32 KContentChecksum = 0;

FlashUIConfig config;

config.iIsMMI = EFalse;

config.iIsStubApp = ETrue;


config.iContentChecksum = KContentChecksum;

config.iExtensions = NULL;

config.iReserved1 = NULL; 

config.iReserved2 = 0;

MMP file

Flash Stub applications require higher allocation of heap and stack size. epocheapsize sets the static and dynamic size for the heap. epocstacksize sets the stack size. Here the example value is set to 1MB for static heap and 16MB for dynamic heap, 20KB set for stack size. Flash Player paints red mark in display area when it does not have enough heap configured to decode image embedded in the flash content, in this case increase epocheapsize values. Capability of the stub application depends on the flash content. A flash game not using network or any device services can have NULL capability. If swf content uses network then it needs NetworkServices capability.

 epocheapsize 1048576 16777216

 epocstacksize 0x5000

Writing source for stub application

The following example code demonstrates how to write a stub application:

#include "stub.h"

#include "flash_ui.h"


// App initialization functions


#include <eikstart.h>

#include <aknnotewrappers.h>

LOCAL_C CApaApplication* NewApplication( )


	return new(ELeave) CFlashStubApplication;


GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()


    return EikStart::RunApplication(NewApplication);




	if (iFlashLibrary.Handle())





const TUid KUidFlashStubApp = { 0x101FD69F};

_LIT(KStubFlashContent, "\\private\\101FD69F\\stub.swf");

TUid CFlashStubApplication::AppDllUid() const


	return KUidFlashStubApp;


CApaDocument* CFlashStubApplication::CreateDocumentL()


	FlashUIConfig config;


  config.iIsMMI = EFalse;

	config.iIsStubApp = ETrue;


	config.iContentChecksum = 0;

	config.iExtensions = NULL;





	return CreateFlashDocumentL(iFlashLibrary, this, config);


Writing header for stub application

#include <aknapp.h>

#include <akndoc.h>

class CFlashStubApplication : public CAknApplication




	TUid AppDllUid() const;


	CApaDocument* CreateDocumentL();

	RLibrary iFlashLibrary;


Writing resource file

A resource file has to be written to define the caption and icon for the stub application. Stub writers can write LOC files for all localizable resource string and provide resource Ids in the RSS file.

Example Stub.rss file:

NAME STUB    // 4 letter ID




RESOURCE TBUF r_default_document_name






    menubar = r_stub_menubar;



RESOURCE MENU_BAR r_stub_menubar


    titles =


        MENU_TITLE { menu_pane = r_stub_menu; }





    items =




            command = EAknSoftkeyExit;

            txt = "Exit"; //.loc file for localization




RESOURCE LOCALISABLE_APP_INFO r_stub_localisable_app_info


    short_caption = qtn_apps_flite_grid; 


    caption_and_icon =



         caption = "stub"; //qtn_apps_flite_list;                                     

	      number_of_icons = 1; // each icon must be a bitmap/mask pair

         icon_file = "z:\\resource\\apps\\stub_1.mbm";



Writing registration file

Example Stub_reg.rss for registering stub application:


#include <appinfo.rh>

#include <stub.rsg> //rsg file for the stub application

#include <data_caging_paths_strings.hrh>

UID2 KUidAppRegistrationResourceFile

UID3 0x1027377B //UID of Stub application


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------//


// Registration resource for 


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------//



	app_file = "stub";

	localisable_resource_file = APP_RESOURCE_DIR"\\stub";

	localisable_resource_id = R_STUB_LOCALISABLE_APP_INFO;












// End of File

Writing PKG file

A PKG file can be written to create SIS package for the stub application. Here application writer can mention dependency on the Flash Lite application. This will make installation of stub application only on the mobile devices having Flash Lite installed. This PKG file can be used to create SIS package using the makesis tool provided with S60 SDK.

Example Stub.pkg file:

; Installation file for Flash Lite Stub application


;Languages - UK English, US English;EN;

; Localised Vendor name


; Unique Vendor name


; UID is the app's UID




; Depends on Flash Lite 2.x being installed

(0x101FD693), 2, 0, 0, {"Flash Lite"}

; Flash stub application


"\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\Stub.exe"        -"!:\sys\bin\Stub.exe"

"\epoc32\data\z\resource\apps\Stub.rsc"      -"!:\resource\apps\Stub.rsc"

"\epoc32\data\z\resource\apps\Stub.mif"      -"!:\resource\apps\Stub.mif"

"\epoc32\data\z\private\10003a3f\apps\Stub_reg.rsc" -"!:\private\10003a3f\import\apps\Stub_reg.rsc"

Example MMP file

Example Stub.mmp file:

TARGET	    Stub.exe


UID  0x100039CE 0x1027377B


SOURCEPATH        ..\src

SOURCE            stub.cpp

START RESOURCE    ..\data\stub.rss


    TARGET 	  stub.rsc


    LANG          SC


START RESOURCE ..\data\stub_reg.rss

    TARGET stub_reg.rsc

    TARGETPATH \private\10003a3f\apps


USERINCLUDE       ..\inc

USERINCLUDE       ..\..\inc

SYSTEMINCLUDE     \epoc32\include

LIBRARY           euser.lib

LIBRARY           apparc.lib

LIBRARY           eikcore.lib

LIBRARY           avkon.lib

LIBRARY           centralrepository.lib

epocstacksize 0x5000

epocheapsize 262144 16777216

Error handling

Flash Lite is an Adobe product. All S60 phones may not have Flash Lite installed. flash2ui.dll should be present in the phone. If this DLL is not present in the phone, the stub application will exit. The stub application writer can add dependency to Flash Lite in PKG file during installation of the stub application. Flash Player Engine handles the errors. It uses Symbian Leave mechanism for any critical errors.

Memory overhead

RAM consumption of stub application depends on the flash content. There is a maximum limit on RAM to be allocated for the stub application. It is not possible to allocate more memory for flash content, the stub application will exit with Out of Memory message.

Extensions to the API

There is no extension to API possible.

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