Hierarchical Lists API: API description

Hierarchical Lists API is a library API that provides an interface to the hierarchical list UI components implemented in the Hierarchical Lists library. The API is targeted for end user applications that want to present their data structures for the user in a hierarchical list format.

Hierarchical List is a list that can display list items in a hierarchical structure. The hierarchical list items are divided into leaves and nodes. Nodes are item types that form the hierarchy in the list. They can contain other list items, including other nodes, and can be expanded and collapsed to display or hide their content. Leaves are list item types, that cannot contain any other items.

The client applications can use the API for creating local hierarchical list instances, populating the list instances with list items, modifying list content and structure, and displaying the list for the user. The list client is responsible for mediating key and pen events to the list, so that the user may interact with the list. The client is also responsible for reacting to the user actions.

The Hierarchical Lists library contains implementations for two different hierarchical list type: Single style hierarchical list and single column style hierarchical list.

Single style hierarchical list

Single style hierarchical list is a basic hierarchical list UI component that can contain items consisting of single line of text, one icon, and two optional icons. The items are one of the following two types:

By default, the items in a single style tree list are indented according to their hierarchy and, tree structure lines are drawn to emphasize the hierarchical structure and to show the relations between list items. These properties can be turned off when necessary. Figure 1 below shows an example of a single style hierarchical list. The CAknSingleStyleTreeList class contains an implementation for this hierarchical list type.

Figure 1: Hierarchical list

Single column style hierarchical list

The name for single column style hierarchical list comes form the fact that one of its item types can display text in several columns. Opposite to the single style hierarchical list, the single column style hierarchical list provides support for marking, but does not allow the indention of list item according to the hierarchy. Single column style hierarchical list contains items of three different types:

Figure 2 below shows an example of single column style hierarchical list. The core data row at the bottom of the list is set to have three different text column, but the third column is displayed only in landscape orientation. Note also that, due to the lack of indention and tree structure lines, the hierarchical structure is not apparent from the list, and hence, the number of levels in the list should be restricted to two. The CAknSingleColumnStyleTreeList class contains an implementation for this hierarchical list type.

Figure 2: Hierarchical column list

Use cases

Use cases of Hierarchical Lists API are illustrated in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Use cases of Hierarchical Lists API

The above figure contains the following use cases:

Create List

Add Item

Expand Node

Collapse Node

Remove Item

Move Focus

Select Item

Sort List

API class structure

Figure 4: API class structure

Figure 4 depicts the classes used in Hierarchical Lists API. The client application may use either the CAknSingleStyleTreeList class for single style tree list, or the CAknSingleColumnStyleTreeList class for single column style tree list. Declarations for these classes can be found in the aknsinglestyletreelist.h and aknsinglecolumnstyletreelist.h files respectively.

Both of the list classes are derived from the abstract CAknTreeList class, which contains the common methods for all hierarchical list types. The base class declaration is located in the akntreelist.h file.

The MAknTreeListObserver interface, declared in the akntreelistobserver.h file, is used in notifying the list observers of the changes in the list state. In order to receive these events from the list, the client application has to provide a realization of the interface and register it to the list. Several observers can be registered to the list, and each of these receives the same events.

As the list is derived from the CCoeControl class, the MCoeControlObserver interface can be used for observing the state changes in the list as well, but the MAknTreeListObserver interface provides more detailed events.

Optionally, the client may provide an implementation for the MAknCustomOrdering interface, declared in the akncustomtreeordering.h file. When such implementation is set for the list, it is used to determine the ordering between the list items within each tree node. By default, the items in either of the list types are not ordered, and they remain in the order in which they were added to the nodes.

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