Landmarks Search API: API Description

Landmarks Search API is mainly targeted for end-user applications. It lets clients search for landmarks and landmark categories in landmark databases.

The logical type of this interface is Library API. Technically this is a method-call API. Landmarks Search API loads the implementation at run time but the implementation consists only of local objects.

Use cases

API class structure

The following sections describe the Landmarks Search API class structure. UML diagrams are used to present the classes and their dependencies.

Note: The UML diagrams do not show all the available functions, and some or all function parameters may be left out.

Main classes

The Landmarks Search API allows searching in a single database or in multiple databases by means of CPosLandmarkSearch and CPosLmMultiDbSearch respectively.

CPosLandmarkSearch is mainly used to start searches and to obtain the search matches. The client has to specify the landmark database to search when CPosLandmarkSearch is instantiated. CPosLandmarkSearch returns a CPosLmOperation instance, which is used to execute the search operation incrementally or all at once (see Incremental execution in Landmarks API specification). If the operation is run incrementally, the client can check the operation progress between the incremental steps. CPosLmItemIterator with the IDs of the search matches can be obtained from CPosLandmarkSearch.

CPosLmMultiDbSearch is used to search for landmarks and landmark categories in several landmark databases. The client specifies the URIs of the landmark databases to be searched. CPosLmMultiDbSearch returns a CPosLmOperation instance, which is used to execute the search operation incrementally or all at once. If the operation is run incrementally, the client can check the operation progress between the incremental steps. CPosLmItemIterator with the IDs of the search matches can be obtained from CPosLmMultiDbSearch.

CPosLandmarkDatabase, CPosLmItemIterator and CPosLmOperation are parts of Landmarks API and they are described further in Landmarks API specification.

Figure 1: Landmarks API classes

Criterion classes

CPosLmSearchCriteria is a base class for search criterion classes in Landmarks Search API. Criterion classes are used to specify what criteria a landmark must fulfill in order to be a search match. There are several search criterion classes in Landmarks Search API.

Figure 2: Search criterion classes

Criterion classDescription
CPosLmCategoryCriteriaUsed for searching landmarks, which contain a certain category, or landmarks, which do not contain any categories.
CPosLmTextCriteriaUsed for searching landmarks, which contain a certain text.
CPosLmAreaCriteriaUsed for searching landmarks, which reside in a certain area.
CPosLmNearestCriteriaUsed for finding landmarks, which are closest to a certain coordinate.
CPosLmCompositeCriteriaUsed for searching landmarks by combining multiple search criteria.
CPosLmIdListCriteriaUsed if the client only wants to search a subset of the landmarks in a database.
CPosLmCatNameCriteriaUsed for searching landmark categories with a certain name.

Result classes

When using the landmark item iterator to retrieve search matches, the matches will not be sorted until the search operation has completed. If the client needs a sorted list of the matches before the search has completed, e.g. it wants to show matches in a sorted list as they are found to the application user, the display data feature should be used instead.

Before a search is started, the client specifies CPosLmDisplayData to be used in the search. When the search is executing, the matching categories or landmarks are read from the database and added to CPosLmDisplayData. CPosLmDisplayItem holds the matching CPosLandmark or CPosLandmarkCategory together with the index of the database where the match was found. The database index is only used when searching in several databases.

Figure 3: Result classes

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