MMS Client MTM API: API description

MMS Client MTM API is used to access Message Server and hence message entries. MMS Client MTM forms part of the MMS MTM module (a plug-in to the messaging architecture). It implements a class derived from CBaseMtm and provides functionality to create and send MMS messages, retrieve messages from the message store and view or change their attributes, forward or reply to messages and so on.

Note that MTMs are often platform specific. So, while the base class, CBaseMtm, is common to all Symbian platforms, MMS Client MTM described here is S60 specific.

Before using MMS Client MTM API, it is advisable to consider whether either of the more lightweight APIs, Send As (RSendAs and RSendAsMessage) or Send UI (CSendUI), may be more suitable.

API class structure

MMS Client MTM is one module of MMS MTM.

The main class of MMS Client MTM API is CMmsClientMtm. It is derived from CBaseMtm and is the MMS MTM's implementation of Client MTM.

(An overview of the MTM architecture is given in the MTMs section of this document. Further information can be found in the SDK documentation.

A class diagram for MMS Client MTM API is shown in Figure 2:

Figure 2: MMS Client MTM class diagram

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