MMS Client MTM API: Glossary


Table 1: MMS Client MTM API abbreviations



APIApplication Programming Interface.
MIMEMultipurpose Internet Mail Extensions.
MMSMultimedia Messaging Service. Protocol defined by 3GPP. Messaging for text, images, audio.
MTMMessage Type Module. A group of components that together provide message handling for a particular protocol.
SDKSoftware Development Kit.
SMILSynchronized Multimedia Integration Language. A markup language designed to present multiple media files together.
SMSShort Message System. A protocol, defined within the GSM standard, which allows point-to-point transmission of short messages. 'Short' means 140 bytes, or 160 characters with the special 7-bit SMS character set. Can also be used to transmit up to 31k of binary or text data by concatenating messages.
UIUser Interface.

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