Notes API: Using AVKON UI Notes API

Using a basic note

The following code creates a waiting confirmation note, displays it, and after a short delay dismisses it. Delay timer is predefined for all basic notes in avkon.hrh. Since the note is created as a waiting note, the ExecuteLD() function blocks the application execution. ExecuteLD() also deletes the note automatically.

// creating basic note

#include <aknnotewrappers.h>

_LIT( mConfText, "Picture deleted.");

CAknConfirmationNote *mConfNote;

mConfNote = new (ELeave) CAknConfirmationNote( ETrue );  // waiting

mConfNote->ExecuteLD( mConfText );  // display the note and delete it

Using a non-waiting basic note with self pointer

When a non-waiting note is used, ExecuteLD() returns immediately not blocking the application to do further processes. When a pointer reference is used, the note is not only deleted after execution but the pointer is also set to NULL.

class CNoteExampleAppUi : public CAknAppUi



        CAknInformationNote *iInfNote;


void CNoteExampleAppUi::HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand )


    switch( aCommand )


        case ECommandCreateInformationNote :


            iInfNote = new (ELeave) CAknInformationNote( &iInfNote );

            iInfNote->ExecuteLD( _L("Not an integer. Try again.") );

            // note will be deleted automatically 

            // and pointer will be set to NULL after execution







Do not create and execute another note until this one has completed, ActiveScheduler cannot handle this situation:

void CNoteExampleAppUi::ShowErrorNoteL()


    if( iInfNote )  // note is on the screen




    // no note is shown

    CAknErrorNote* mErrorNote;

    mErrorNote = new (ELeave) CAknErrorNote( ETrue );

    mErrorNote->ExecuteLD( _L("General error.") );


Using the Wait note

To use WaitNoteWrapper you have to define a note resource. Its structure is defined in eikon.rh and avkon.rh.



    LONG   flags = 0;

    LLINK  buttons = 0;

    STRUCT items[];     // STRUCT DLG_LINE




    WORD   type;

    WORD   id = 0;

    STRUCT control;     // STRUCT AVKON_NOTE




    WORD  layout;

    LTEXT singular_label;     // e.g. You have missed a call.

    LTEXT plural_label = "";  // e.g. You have %d missed calls.

    LTEXT imagefile = "";

    WORD  imageid   = 0xffff;

    WORD  imagemask = 0xffff;

    LTEXT iconfile  = "";

    WORD  iconid    = 0xffff;

    WORD  iconmask  = 0xffff;

    LLINK animation = 0;


RESOURCE DIALOG r_myapp_waitnote


    flags = EAknWaitNoteFlags;


    items =




            type = EAknCtNote;

            id = EMyAppWaitNote;

            control = AVKON_NOTE


                layout = EWaitLayout;

                singular_label = "Connecting, please wait.";

                imagefile = "z:\\system\data\avkon.mbm";

                imageid = EMbmAvkonQgn_note_progress;

                imagemask = EMbmAvkonQgn_note_progress_mask;

                animation = R_QGN_GRAF_WAIT_BAR_ANIM;





Wait note's background process is controlled by a MAknBackgroundProcess class. Its callback functions are called by the WaitNoteWrapper:

If the user does not interrupt the Wait note by pressing a key, ProcessFinishedL() is called before DialogDismissedL().

#include <aknwaitnotewrapper.h>

class CMyProcess : public CBase, public MAknBackgroundProcess



        TBool IsProcessDone() const;

        void StepL();

        // TInt CycleError( TInt aError );

        // void DialogDismissedL( TInt aButtonId );

        // void ProcessFinishedL();


        TInt iCount;


Here we implement a simple strategy to maintain the wait note. It will be shown for 5 seconds, so 5 rounds of stepping is done:

TBool CMyProcess::IsProcessDone() const


    return ( iCount == 5 );


void CMyProcess::StepL()


    sleep( 1 );  // do nothing for 1 second

    iCount++;    // next cycle


Using the note:

// create background process

CMyProcess *myProcess = new (ELeave) CMyProcess();

CleanupStack::PushL( myProcess );

// create WaitNoteWrapper

CAknWaitNoteWrapper *waitNote = CAknWaitNoteWrapper::NewL();

// CAknWaitNoteWrapper is privately derived from CActive/CBase

// therefore a reinterpret_cast must be performed here

CleanupStack::PushL( reinterpret_cast<CBase*> ( waitNote ) );

// shows the note immediately

TBool success = 

    waitNote->ExecuteL( R_MYAPP_WAITNOTE, *myProcess, ETrue ) )

CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( waitNote );

CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( myProcess );

// further processes based on the note's exit code

if( success )




else  // note was cancelled




Using the Progress note

A similar resource can be used to create a Progress note:

RESOURCE DIALOG r_myapp_progressnote


    flags = EAknProgressNoteFlags;


    items =




            type = EAknCtNote;

            id = EMyAppProgressNote;

            control = AVKON_NOTE


                layout = EProgressLayout;

                singular_label = “Resizing image”;

                imagefile = “\\system\data\avkon.mbm”;

                imageid = EMbmAvkonQgn_note_progress;

                imagemask = EMbmAvkonQgn_note_progress_mask;





Progress note does not have a wrapper class around the note object as Wait note does. Therefore the note has to be controlled directly by the client. This means two things: when and how the progress bar is updated. In most cases it means a data-based operation calculation, e.g. uploading a file is a connection dependent process, converting an image to another format might be a hardware chipset-variant operation, etc.

Here we use a simple timer-based active object for the progress bar calculation. It is a safe design decision to encapsulate the active object, the dialog and the callback provide mechanism (MProgressDialogCallback) into one class. Another design issue is the usage of the class. Here we used the "fire and forget" method:

#include <myapp.rsg>

// create a waiting note

CProgressProcessor* iProcessor = CProgressProcessor::NewL(

    &iProcessor, R_MYAPP_PROGRESSNOTE, ETrue );

// run


// do nothing, ExecuteLD() deletes the objects automatically

Based on this the class definition looks like this:

#include <aknprogressdialog.h>

class CProgressProcessor: public CActive, public MProgressDialogCallback


    public:  // constructors, destructor

        // aResource: the progress note's resource id

        // aWaiting: waiting note or non-waiting

        // aVisible: ETrue if note has to be shown immediately

        static CProgressProcessor* NewL(

            CProgressProcessor** aSelfPtr,

            TInt aResource,

            TBool aWaiting,

            TBool aVisible = EFalse );

        virtual ~CProgressProcessor();

    public:  // new functions

        void ExecuteLD();

    private:  // from CActive

        void RunL();

        void DoCancel();

        TInt RunError( TInt aError );

    public:  // from MProgressDialogCallback

        void DialogDismissedL( TInt aButtonId );

    protected:  // construction


        void ConstructL( TInt aResource, TBool aWaiting, TBool aVisible );

    private:  // new functions

        TBool IsProcessDone();  // finished?

        void DoProcess();  // perform next step

        void DoDelete();  // delete the object

    private:  // data

        CAknProgressDialog* iDialog;

        TInt iCounter;

        CProgressProcessor** iSelfPtr;

        RTimer iTimer;

        TBool iDestroy;

        CActiveSchedulerWait* iWait;  // for waiting note


There is nothing special in the constructors and destructor. The second phase constructor creates the dialog and initializes the progress bar.

CProgressProcessor::ConstructL( TInt aResource, TBool aWaiting, TBool aVisible )


    User::LeaveIfError( iTimer.CreateLocal() );

    // length of the process is unknown (in time) but it can be calculated

    iDialog = new (ELeave) CAknProgressDialog( 

        reinterpret_cast<CEikDialog**>(&iDialog), aVisible );

    iDialog->PrepareLC( aResource );


    iDialog->SetCallback( this );

    // how "long" is the process in steps

    // here we use a percentage value

    CEikProgressInfo* progressInfo = iDialog->GetProgressInfoL();

    progressInfo->SetFinalValue( 100 );

    if( aWaiting )

        iWait = new (ELeave) CActiveSchedulerWait();

    CActiveScheduler::Add( this );





    // if note is not deleted yet

    if( iDialog )


        iDialog->SetCallback( NULL );

        TRAP_IGNORE( iDialog->ProcessFinishedL() );


    *iSelfPtr = NULL;  // set self pointer in parent object to NULL


The process status functions are very simple:

TBool CProgressProcessor::IsProcessDone()


    // 100 percent reached?

    return iCounter>=100;


void CProgressProcessor::DoProcess()



    iTimer.After( iStatus, 300000 );  // wait 0.3 seconds

    SetActive();  // and call RunL()


The public function to activate the note:

void CProgressProcessor::ExecuteLD()


    CleanupStack::PushL( this );

    iDialog->RunLD();  // shows the dialog, returns immediately

    DoProcess();  // start background process

    if( iWait )


        // start waiting process, it blocks further execution here


        // after it finishes, cleanup everything





        // non-waiting dialog, so return immediately

        // delete will be performed by RunL() or DoCancel()




Safe object delete:

void CProgressProcessor::DoDelete()


    if( iWait )  // waiting note?

        CAknEnv::StopSchedulerWaitWithBusyMessage( *iWait );


        delete this;


Active object deletes itself if it was requested (via an error) or process has been finished; or perform next step.

// one step was done

void CProgressProcessor::RunL()


    // any delete operation requested meanwhile?

    if( iDestroy )




    if( IsProcessDone() )


        iDialog->SetCallback( NULL );




    else  // do next step, update progress bar



        iDialog->GetProgressInfoL()->IncrementAndDarw( 1 );



// RunL() did leave

TInt CProgressProcessor::RunError( TInt /* aError */ )


    iDialog->SetCallback( NULL );

    TRAP_IGNORE( iDialog->ProcessFinishedL() );

    iDestroy = ETrue;


    iTimer.Start( iStatus, 10 );  // call RunL() immediately


    // all errors are swallowed

    return KErrNone;


// someone uses the object in a not proper way?

void CProgressProcessor::DoCancel()


    if( iDialog )


        // no function callback needed for ProcessFinishedL()

        iDialog->SetCallback( NULL );

        TRAP_IGNORE( iDialog->ProcessFinishedL() );


    iDestroy = ETrue;  // just in case


    // object is NOT deleted here


If the dialog was dismissed, delete this object too:

void CProgressProcessor::DialogDismissedL( TInt /* aButton */ )


    iDialog = NULL;



Using Global notes

Following code shows the simplest way of using the Global note:

// resource definition

RESOURCE TBUF r_myapp_globalnote_searching { buf = "Searching..."; }

#include <aknnotifystd.h>  // note type

#include <myapp.rsg>  // application resource

const TInt KGlobalNoteMaxLength = 32;

// allocate TBuf with constant length, and fill it with a resource text

TBuf<KGlobalNoteMaxLength> text( NULL );

CEikonEnv::Static()->ReadResourceL( text, R_MYAPP_GLOBALNOTE_SEARCHING );

TPtrC noteText( text );

// create GlobalNote instance and show it.

CAknGlobalNote* globalNote = CAknGlobalNote::NewLC();

TInt noteId = globalNote->ShowNoteL( EAknGlobalInformationNote, noteText );

// do anything here

sleep( 5 );  // waiting for 5 seconds

// discard note

globalNote->CancelNoteL( noteId );


Using Global note with user interaction

It is also possible to wait for user action when softkeys are attached to the Global note. This note is an asynchronous UI element, so an active object has to be implemented to receive the notification about user's choice.

Here we define an interface class as well to handle user interactions and errors.

// callback interface for global note handler

class MGlobalNoteClient



        virtual void HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand ) = 0;

        virtual TInt NoteError( TInt aError ) = 0;


// define the global note handler as an active object

class CGlobalNoteHandler: public CActive


    public:  // constructors, destructor, etc.

    public:  // new function

        // aResource: resource identifier to shown

        void ShowNoteL(

            TInt aResource, 

            const TDesC& aText, 

            MGlobalNoteClient*& aClient );

    protected:  // from CActive

        void RunL();

        void DoCancel();

        TInt RunError( TInt aError );

    private:  // data

        CAknGlobalNote *iGlobalNote;

        TInt iNoteId;

        MGlobalNoteClient* iNoteClient;


// active object initialization

CGlobalNoteHandler::CGlobalNoteHandler() : CActive( EPriorityNormal )


    CActiveScheduler::Add( this );


// showing the note

void CGlobalNoteHandler::ShowNoteL(

        TInt aResource,

        const TDesC& aText, 

        MGlobalNoteClient*& aClient )


    if( iGlobalNote )

        return;  // do not do anything if a note is already shown

    iGlobalNote = CAknGlobalNote::NewL();

    iGlobalNote->SetSoftkeys( aResource );

    iNoteId = iGlobalNote->ShowNoteL( iStatus, 

        EAknGlobalConfirmationNote, aText );


    iNoteClient = aNoteClient;


// handling user interaction

void CGlobalNoteHandler::RunL()


    // cancel note operation

    iGlobalNote->CancelNoteL( iNoteId );

    delete iGlobalNote;

    iGlobalNote = NULL;

    iNoteId = 0;

    TInt value( iStatus.Int() );  // user response

    User::LeaveIfError( value );

    // handle user response

    iNoteClient->HandleCommandL( value );


// error occurs in RunL()

TInt CGlobalNoteHandler::RunError( TInt aError )


    // cancel note operation

    TRAP_IGNORE( iGlobalNote->CancelNoteL( iNoteId ) );

    delete iGlobalNote;

    iGlobalNote = NULL;

    iNoteId = 0;

    return iNoteClient->NoteError( aError );  // all errors are passed to client


// system cancelled the note

void CGlobalNoteHandler::DoCancel()


    // cancel note operation

    TRAP_IGNORE( iGlobalNote->CancelNoteL( iNoteId ) );

    delete iGlobalNote;

    iGlobalNote = NULL;

    iNoteId = 0;


Using custom notes

There are cases when the predefined notes just are not enough. You might, for example, want to change the icon displayed in the note, use a different kind of sound, or change the note duration. All of the properties can be changed via CAknNoteDialog's setter functions: SetTimeout, SetTone, SetTextWrapping, SetTextProcessing, SetImageL, SetIconL.

Error handling

AVKON UI Notes API uses standard Symbian OS error reporting mechanism. Leaves and system wide error codes as function return values are used if the error is recoverable. A client application can handle these errors similarly as a normal Symbian platform application.

Limitations of the API


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