
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002 * ============================================================================
00003 *  Name       : PtiUserDictionary.h
00004 *  Part of    : PtiEngine
00005 *  Description: Predective text input engine user dictionary 
00006 *               class definition.
00007 *  Version:
00008 *
00009 *  Copyright © 2003-2007 Nokia Corporation.
00010 *  This material, including documentation and any related 
00011 *  computer programs, is protected by copyright controlled by 
00012 *  Nokia Corporation. All rights are reserved. Copying, 
00013 *  including reproducing, storing,  adapting or translating, any 
00014 *  or all of this material requires the prior written consent of 
00015 *  Nokia Corporation. This material also contains confidential 
00016 *  information which may not be disclosed to others without the 
00017 *  prior written consent of Nokia Corporation.
00018 * ============================================================================
00019 */
00020 #ifndef _PTI_USER_DICTIONARY_H
00021 #define _PTI_USER_DICTIONARY_H
00023 // INCLUDES
00024 #include <e32base.h>
00030 class MPtiUserDictionary
00031         {
00032         public:
00039                 virtual TInt Id() const = 0;
00047                 virtual TInt Size() const = 0;
00055                 virtual TInt32 CoreUID() const = 0;
00064                 virtual TBool IsDefault() const = 0;
00072                 virtual TPtrC FileName() const = 0;
00082                 virtual TInt SpaceLeft() const = 0;
00091                 virtual TBool UpdateFlag() const = 0;
00100                 virtual void SetUpdateFlag(TBool aFlag) = 0;    
00101         };
00104 class CPtiUserDictionary : public CBase, public MPtiUserDictionary
00105         {
00106         public:
00107                 IMPORT_C static CPtiUserDictionary* NewL(TInt aMaxSize);
00108                 IMPORT_C static CPtiUserDictionary* NewL(TDesC& aFileName, TInt aMaxSize);
00109                 IMPORT_C virtual ~CPtiUserDictionary();
00111                 IMPORT_C virtual TInt OpenL(TDesC& aFileName, TInt aMaxSize);
00112                 IMPORT_C virtual TInt WriteL(TDesC& aFileName);
00113                 IMPORT_C virtual TInt WriteL();
00114                 inline void SetFileName(TDesC& aFileName);
00115                 inline TInt Id() const;
00116                 inline void SetId(TInt aId);
00117                 inline TInt Size() const;
00118                 inline TInt32 CoreUID() const;
00119                 inline void SetCoreUID(TInt32 aUid);
00120                 inline virtual TPtr8 Data();
00121                 inline TBool IsDefault() const;
00122                 inline void SetDefault(TBool aValue);
00123                 inline TPtrC FileName() const;
00124                 inline TBool UpdateFlag() const;
00125                 inline void SetUpdateFlag(TBool aFlag); 
00126                 inline TInt SymbolClass() const;
00127                 inline void SetSymbolClass(TInt aSymbolClass);
00128                 IMPORT_C virtual TInt SpaceLeft() const;
00129                 IMPORT_C virtual void SetDataL(TAny* aData, TInt aLength);
00131         protected:
00132                 IMPORT_C CPtiUserDictionary();
00134         private:
00135                 void ConstructL(TInt aMaxSize);
00136                 void ConstructL(TDesC& aFileName, TInt aMaxSize);
00138         protected:      
00139                 TFileName iFileName;
00140                 HBufC8* iData;
00141                 TInt    iId;
00142                 TInt32  iCoreUID;
00143                 TBool   iDefault;
00144                 TBool   iUpdateFlag;
00145                 TInt    iSymbolClass;
00146                 TUint32 iChecksum;   // Holds checksum of lastest version that was saved to disk.
00147         };
00149 #include "PtiUserDictionary.inl"
00151 #endif
00153 // End of file

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